# About This is a manual test application for the InvenSense ITG320X 3-axis gyroscope driver. # Usage The test application demonstrates the use of the ITG320X. It uses the default configuration parameters: - Low pass filter bandwidth (LPF_BW) of 5 Hz (`ITG320X_LPF_BW_5`) - Internal sample rate (ISR) of 1 kHz which results from LPF_BW of 5 Hz - Internal sample rate divider (ISR_DIV) of 99 (`ITG320X_PARAM_ISR_DIV`) - Output data rate (ODR) of 10 Hz resulting from ODR = ISR / (ISR_DIV + 1) The application may use two different approaches to retrieve new data, either - periodically fetching the data at a rate lower than the sensor's output data rate (ODR), or - fetching the data when the data-ready interrupt is triggered. To use the latter approach, module `itg320x_int` has to be enabled and the GPIO to which the sensor's **INT** output pin is connected has to be defined by #ITG320X_PARAM_INT_PIN, for example: ``` USEMODULE=itg320x_int CFLAGS="-DITG320X_PARAM_INT_PIN=\(GPIO_PIN\(0,3\)\)" \ make flash -C tests/drivers/itg320x BOARD=... ```