/** * @defgroup pkg_nordic-softdevice-ble Nordic Softdevice BLE * @ingroup pkg * @ingroup net * @brief Provides a RIOT adaption for Nordic Softdevice BLE library # Overview This package provides necessary Makefiles and glue code to use the Nordic S132 SoftDevice as Bluetooth BLE transport for RIOT's 6lowpan stack. # Usage "gnrc_netdev_default" has a dependency to "nordic_softdevice_ble", so all examples automatically download the SDK and compile / link / flash all needed code. If you want to manually set up included modules, add "USEPKG += nordic_softdevice_ble" to your application's Makefile. See README-BLE-6LoWPAN.md for instructions on how to set up 6lowpan over BLE on Linux. # Known issues - floating point ABI mismatch The Nordic binaries are compiled using hard float ABI, which RIOT currently doesn't support (RIOT's context switching code doesn't preserve the floating point registers). If the softdevice is compiled in, RIOT will be compiled with hard float ABI in order for the linking to succeed. This works for some application, but will lead to serious and hard-to-find bugs for code using floating point instructions. Hopefully, either the RIOT community adds hard-float support, or Nordic releases a soft-float version of the used binaries. - Outdated This package uses version 0.9 of the nRF IoT SDK, which has been integrated into the nRF5 SDK v14.1.0 in its 1.0 version, and the nRF5 SDK has since been released in several new versions. A noteworthy shortcoming due to the old version is that the IPSP implementation only interoperates with Linux kernels up to 4.12. Unless the [efforts to update the softedevice integration](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pull/9473) are rekindled, this module should not be used in new projects, and @ref pkg_nimble should be used instead. */