/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Michel Rottleuthner * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup sys_fatfs_diskio * @{ * * @file * @brief Implementation of fatfs diskio interface that supports mtd driver * based on low level disk I/O module example for FatFs by ChaN, 2016 * * @author Michel Rottleuthner * * @} */ #include "fatfs/diskio.h" /**< FatFs lower layer API */ #include "fatfs_diskio_mtd.h" #include "fatfs/ffconf.h" #include "mtd.h" #include "fatfs/integer.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" #if FATFS_FFCONF_OPT_FS_NORTC == 0 #include "periph/rtc.h" #endif /* mtd devices for use by FatFs should be provided by the application */ extern mtd_dev_t *fatfs_mtd_devs[FF_VOLUMES]; /** * @brief returns the status of the disk * * @param[in] pdrv drive number to identify the drive * * @return STA_NODISK if no disk exists with the given id * @return 0 if disk is initialized * @return STA_NOINIT if disk id exists, but disk isn't initialized */ DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE pdrv) { DEBUG("disk_status %d\n", pdrv); if (pdrv >= FF_VOLUMES) { return STA_NODISK; } else if (fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->driver == NULL){ return STA_NOINIT; } return FATFS_DISKIO_DSTASTUS_OK; } /** * @brief initializes the disk * * @param[in] pdrv drive number to identify the drive * * @return STA_NODISK if no disk exists with the given id * @return 0 if disk was initialized sucessfully * @return STA_NOINIT if disk id exists, but couldn't be initialized */ DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE pdrv) { DEBUG("disk_initialize %d\n", pdrv); if (pdrv >= FF_VOLUMES) { return STA_NODISK; } else if (fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->driver == NULL){ return STA_NOINIT; } return (mtd_init(fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]) == 0) ? FATFS_DISKIO_DSTASTUS_OK : STA_NOINIT; } /** * @brief reads sectors from disk * * @param[in] pdrv drive number to identify the drive * @param[out] buff Data buffer to store read data * @param[in] sector Start sector in LBA * @param[in] count Number of sectors to read * * @return RES_OK if no error occurred * @return RES_ERROR if data wasn't read completely * @return RES_PARERR if prdv is invalid or has no mtd-driver set */ DRESULT disk_read(BYTE pdrv, BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count) { DEBUG("disk_read: %d, %lu, %d\n", pdrv, sector, count); if ((pdrv >= FF_VOLUMES) || (fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->driver == NULL)) { return RES_PARERR; } int res = mtd_read(fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv], buff, sector * fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size, count * fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size); if (res >= 0) { uint32_t r_sect = ((unsigned)res) / fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size; return ((r_sect == count) ? RES_OK : RES_ERROR); } return RES_ERROR; } /** * @brief writes sectors to disk * * @param[in] pdrv Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive * @param[in] buff Data to be written * @param[in] sector Start sector in LBA * @param[in] count Number of sectors to write * * @return RES_OK if no error occurred * @return RES_ERROR if data wasn't written completely * @return RES_PARERR if prdv is invalid or has no mtd-driver set */ DRESULT disk_write(BYTE pdrv, const BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, UINT count) { DEBUG("disk_write: %d, %lu, %d\n", pdrv, sector, count); if ((pdrv >= FF_VOLUMES) || (fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->driver == NULL)) { return RES_PARERR; } /* erase memory before writing to it */ int res = mtd_erase(fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv], sector * fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size, count * fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size); if (res != 0) { return RES_ERROR; /* erase failed! */ } res = mtd_write(fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv], buff, sector * fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size, count * fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size); if (res >= 0) { uint32_t w_sect = ((unsigned)res) / fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size; return ((w_sect == count) ? RES_OK : RES_ERROR); } return RES_ERROR; } /** * @brief perform miscellaneous low-level control functions * * @param[in] pdrv Physical drive nmuber (0..FF_VOLUMES-1) * @param[in out] cmd Control code * @param[in] sector Buffer to send/receive control data * * @return RES_OK if no error occurred * @return RES_PARERR if cmd is unknown or * prdv is either invalid or has no mtd-driver set */ DRESULT disk_ioctl(BYTE pdrv, BYTE cmd, void *buff) { if ((pdrv >= FF_VOLUMES) || (fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->driver == NULL)) { return RES_PARERR; } switch (cmd) { #if (FF_FS_READONLY == 0) case CTRL_SYNC: /* r/w is always finished within r/w-functions of mtd */ return RES_OK; #endif #if (FF_USE_MKFS == 1) case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: *(DWORD *)buff = fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->sector_count; return RES_OK; /*Erase block size in number of sectors (1 to 32768 in power of 2). Return 1 if the erase block size is unknown. */ case GET_BLOCK_SIZE: *(DWORD *)buff = fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->pages_per_sector; return RES_OK; #endif #if (FF_MAX_SS != FF_MIN_SS) case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: *(DWORD *)buff = fatfs_mtd_devs[pdrv]->page_size; return RES_OK; #endif #if (FF_USE_TRIM == 1) case CTRL_TRIM: return RES_OK; #endif } return RES_PARERR; } #if FATFS_FFCONF_OPT_FS_NORTC == 0 /** * @brief store local time in a 32-bit bitfiled * * @return timestamp as bitfield */ DWORD get_fattime(void) { struct tm time; rtc_get_time(&time); /* bit 31:25 Year origin from 1980 (0..127) */ uint8_t year = time.tm_year + RTC_YEAR_OFFSET - FATFS_YEAR_OFFSET; uint8_t month = time.tm_mon + 1; /* bit 24:21 month (1..12) */ uint8_t day_of_month = time.tm_mon + 1; /* bit 20:16 day (1..31) */ uint8_t hour = time.tm_hour; /* bit 15:11 hour (0..23) */ uint8_t minute = time.tm_min; /* bit 10:5 minute (0..59) */ uint8_t second = (time.tm_sec / 2); /* bit 4:0 second/2 (0..29) */ return year << FATFS_DISKIO_FATTIME_YEAR_OFFS | month << FATFS_DISKIO_FATTIME_MON_OFFS | day_of_month << FATFS_DISKIO_FATTIME_DAY_OFFS | hour << FATFS_DISKIO_FATTIME_HH_OFFS | minute << FATFS_DISKIO_FATTIME_MM_OFFS | second; } #endif