/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Hamburg University of Applied Sciences * 2020 Inria * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup pkg_openwsn * @{ * * @file * * @author Michael Frey <michael.frey@msasafety.com> * @author Peter Kietzmann <peter.kietzmann@haw-hamburg.de> * @author Francisco Molina <francois-xavier.molina@inria.fr> * * @} */ #include "leds.h" #include "openwsn_leds.h" #include "board.h" #include "periph/gpio.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> /** holds the internal configuration for debug pins */ static leds_config_t _configuration = { GPIO_UNDEF, GPIO_UNDEF, GPIO_UNDEF, GPIO_UNDEF, GPIO_LED_HIGH, }; static void _toggle_checked(gpio_t pin) { if (IS_USED(MODULE_OPENWSN_LEDS)) { if (gpio_is_valid(pin)) { gpio_toggle(pin); } } } static void _init_checked(gpio_t pin) { if (IS_USED(MODULE_OPENWSN_LEDS)) { if (gpio_is_valid(pin)) { gpio_init(pin, GPIO_OUT); } } } static void _write_checked(gpio_t pin, uint8_t on_state) { if (IS_USED(MODULE_OPENWSN_LEDS)) { if (gpio_is_valid(pin)) { gpio_write(pin, on_state); } } } static uint8_t _is_on_checked(gpio_t pin) { if (IS_USED(MODULE_OPENWSN_LEDS)) { uint8_t ret = 0; if (gpio_is_valid(pin)) { ret = gpio_read(pin); } return ret; } else { return 0; } } static void _blink_checked(gpio_t pin) { if (IS_USED(MODULE_OPENWSN_LEDS)) { /* toggle for ~10s if ztimer is used */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { _toggle_checked(pin); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (CLOCK_CORECLOCK / 50); i++) { /* Make sure for loop is not optimized out */ __asm__ (""); } } } } void ledpins_riot_init(const leds_config_t *user_config) { if (IS_USED(MODULE_OPENWSN_LEDS)) { if (user_config != NULL) { memcpy(&_configuration, user_config, sizeof(leds_config_t)); leds_init(); } } else { (void)user_config; } } void leds_init(void) { _init_checked(_configuration.error); _init_checked(_configuration.sync); _init_checked(_configuration.radio); _init_checked(_configuration.debug); leds_all_off(); } void leds_error_on(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.error, _configuration.led_on); } void leds_error_off(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.error, ~_configuration.led_on); } void leds_error_toggle(void) { _toggle_checked(_configuration.error); } uint8_t leds_error_isOn(void) { return _is_on_checked(_configuration.error); } void leds_error_blink(void) { _blink_checked(_configuration.error); } void leds_radio_on(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.radio, _configuration.led_on); } void leds_radio_off(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.radio, ~_configuration.led_on); } void leds_radio_toggle(void) { _toggle_checked(_configuration.radio); } uint8_t leds_radio_isOn(void) { return _is_on_checked(_configuration.radio); } void leds_sync_on(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.sync, _configuration.led_on); } void leds_sync_off(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.sync, ~_configuration.led_on); } void leds_sync_toggle(void) { _toggle_checked(_configuration.sync); } uint8_t leds_sync_isOn(void) { return _is_on_checked(_configuration.sync); } void leds_debug_on(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.debug, _configuration.led_on); } void leds_debug_off(void) { _write_checked(_configuration.debug, ~_configuration.led_on); } void leds_debug_toggle(void) { _toggle_checked(_configuration.debug); } uint8_t leds_debug_isOn(void) { return _is_on_checked(_configuration.debug); } void leds_all_on(void) { leds_error_on(); leds_radio_on(); leds_sync_on(); leds_debug_on(); } void leds_all_off(void) { leds_error_off(); leds_radio_off(); leds_sync_off(); leds_debug_off(); } void leds_all_toggle(void) { leds_error_toggle(); leds_radio_toggle(); leds_sync_toggle(); leds_debug_toggle(); } void leds_circular_shift(void) { /** not implemented */ } void leds_increment(void) { /** not implemented */ }