/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Fundacion Inria Chile * 2017 Inria * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @{ * @ingroup pkg_semtech-loramac * @file * @brief Compatibility functions for controlling the radio driver * * @author Jose Ignacio Alamos * @author Alexandre Abadie * @author Francisco Molina * @} */ #include "net/lora.h" #include "net/netdev.h" #include "sx127x.h" #include "sx127x_internal.h" #include "sx127x_netdev.h" #include "semtech-loramac/board.h" #include "radio/radio.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" extern sx127x_t sx127x; #define LORAMAC_RX_WINDOW_DURATION (600UL * US_PER_MS) /* * Radio driver functions implementation wrappers, the netdev2 object * is known within the scope of the function */ void SX127XInit(RadioEvents_t *events) { (void) events; if (sx127x_init(&sx127x) < 0) { DEBUG("[semtech-loramac] radio: failed to initialize radio\n"); } DEBUG("[semtech-loramac] radio: initialization successful\n"); } RadioState_t SX127XGetStatus(void) { return (RadioState_t)sx127x_get_state(&sx127x); } void SX127XSetModem(RadioModems_t modem) { sx127x_set_modem(&sx127x, (uint8_t)modem); } void SX127XSetChannel(uint32_t freq) { sx127x_set_channel(&sx127x, freq); } bool SX127XIsChannelFree(RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t freq, int16_t rssiThresh, uint32_t maxCarrierSenseTime ) { (void) modem; (void) maxCarrierSenseTime; return sx127x_is_channel_free(&sx127x, freq, rssiThresh); } uint32_t SX127XRandom(void) { return sx127x_random(&sx127x); } void SX127XSetRxConfig(RadioModems_t modem, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t spreading_factor, uint8_t coding_rate, uint32_t bandwidthAfc, uint16_t preambleLen, uint16_t symbTimeout, bool fixLen, uint8_t payloadLen, bool crcOn, bool freqHopOn, uint8_t hopPeriod, bool iqInverted, bool rxContinuous) { (void) bandwidthAfc; (void) symbTimeout; (void) fixLen; sx127x_set_modem(&sx127x, modem); sx127x_set_bandwidth(&sx127x, bandwidth); sx127x_set_spreading_factor(&sx127x, spreading_factor); sx127x_set_coding_rate(&sx127x, coding_rate); sx127x_set_preamble_length(&sx127x, preambleLen); sx127x_set_fixed_header_len_mode(&sx127x, false); sx127x_set_payload_length(&sx127x, payloadLen); sx127x_set_crc(&sx127x, crcOn); sx127x_set_freq_hop(&sx127x, freqHopOn); sx127x_set_hop_period(&sx127x, hopPeriod); sx127x_set_iq_invert(&sx127x, iqInverted); sx127x_set_rx_timeout(&sx127x, LORAMAC_RX_WINDOW_DURATION); sx127x_set_rx_single(&sx127x, !rxContinuous); sx127x_set_rx(&sx127x); } void SX127XSetTxConfig(RadioModems_t modem, int8_t power, uint32_t fdev, uint32_t bandwidth, uint32_t spreading_factor, uint8_t coding_rate, uint16_t preambleLen, bool fixLen, bool crcOn, bool freqHopOn, uint8_t hopPeriod, bool iqInverted, uint32_t timeout) { (void) fdev; (void) fixLen; sx127x_set_modem(&sx127x, modem); sx127x_set_freq_hop(&sx127x, freqHopOn); sx127x_set_bandwidth(&sx127x, bandwidth); sx127x_set_coding_rate(&sx127x, coding_rate); sx127x_set_spreading_factor(&sx127x, spreading_factor); sx127x_set_crc(&sx127x, crcOn); sx127x_set_freq_hop(&sx127x, freqHopOn); sx127x_set_hop_period(&sx127x, hopPeriod); sx127x_set_fixed_header_len_mode(&sx127x, false); sx127x_set_iq_invert(&sx127x, iqInverted); sx127x_set_payload_length(&sx127x, 0); sx127x_set_tx_power(&sx127x, power); sx127x_set_preamble_length(&sx127x, preambleLen); sx127x_set_rx_single(&sx127x, false); sx127x_set_tx_timeout(&sx127x, timeout * US_PER_MS); /* base unit us, LoRaMAC ms */ } uint32_t SX127XGetTimeOnAir(RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t pktLen) { (void) modem; return sx127x_get_time_on_air(&sx127x, pktLen); } void SX127XSend(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size) { netdev_t *dev = (netdev_t *)&sx127x; iolist_t iol = { .iol_base = buffer, .iol_len = size }; dev->driver->send(dev, &iol); } void SX127XSetSleep(void) { sx127x_set_sleep(&sx127x); } void SX127XSetStby(void) { sx127x_set_standby(&sx127x); } void SX127XSetRx(uint32_t timeout) { (void) timeout; sx127x_set_rx(&sx127x); } void SX127XStartCad(void) { sx127x_start_cad(&sx127x); } int16_t SX127XReadRssi(RadioModems_t modem) { sx127x_set_modem(&sx127x, (uint8_t)modem); return sx127x_read_rssi(&sx127x); } void SX127XWrite(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data) { sx127x_reg_write(&sx127x, addr, data); } uint8_t SX127XRead(uint8_t addr) { return sx127x_reg_read(&sx127x, addr); } void SX127XWriteBuffer(uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size) { sx127x_reg_write_burst(&sx127x, addr, buffer, size); } void SX127XReadBuffer(uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size) { sx127x_reg_read_burst(&sx127x, addr, buffer, size); } void SX127XSetMaxPayloadLength(RadioModems_t modem, uint8_t max) { (void) modem; sx127x_set_max_payload_len(&sx127x, max); } bool SX127XCheckRfFrequency(uint32_t frequency) { (void) frequency; /* Implement check. Currently all frequencies are supported */ return true; } void SX127XSetTxContinuousWave(uint32_t freq, int8_t power, uint16_t time) { (void) freq; (void) power; (void) time; /* TODO */ } void SX127XSetPublicNetwork(bool enable) { if (enable) { /* Use public network syncword */ sx127x_set_syncword(&sx127x, LORA_SYNCWORD_PUBLIC); } else { /* Use private network syncword */ sx127x_set_syncword(&sx127x, LORA_SYNCWORD_PRIVATE); } } /** * LoRa function callbacks */ const struct Radio_s Radio = { SX127XInit, SX127XGetStatus, SX127XSetModem, SX127XSetChannel, SX127XIsChannelFree, SX127XRandom, SX127XSetRxConfig, SX127XSetTxConfig, SX127XCheckRfFrequency, SX127XGetTimeOnAir, SX127XSend, SX127XSetSleep, SX127XSetStby, SX127XSetRx, SX127XStartCad, SX127XSetTxContinuousWave, SX127XReadRssi, SX127XWrite, SX127XRead, SX127XWriteBuffer, SX127XReadBuffer, SX127XSetMaxPayloadLength, SX127XSetPublicNetwork };