sx126x/llcc68 LoRa driver ================== This is a manual test application for the SX1261/2/8 and LLCC68 LoRa radio driver. Usage ===== This application adds a shell command to control basic features radio device: ``` main(): This is RIOT! (Version: 2021.04-devel) Initialization successful - starting the shell now > help help Command Description --------------------------------------- sx126x Control the SX126X radio reboot Reboot the node version Prints current RIOT_VERSION pm interact with layered PM subsystem > sx126x sx126x Usage: sx126x ``` The `get` and `set` subcommands allows for getting/setting the current frequency channel (freq) and lora modulation parameters (bw, sf, cr). To put the device in listen mode, use the `rx` subcommand: ``` > sx126x rx start sx126x rx start Listen mode started ``` To send a message, use the `tx` subcommand: ``` > sx126x tx "This is RIOT!" sx126x tx "This is RIOT!" sending "This is RIOT!" payload (14 bytes) > Transmission completed ```