# check some environment variables first ifndef ESP32_SDK_DIR $(info ESP32_SDK_DIR should be defined as /path/to/esp-idf directory) $(info ESP32_SDK_DIR is set by default to /opt/esp/esp-idf) export ESP32_SDK_DIR=/opt/esp/esp-idf endif ESP_SDK_DIR = $(ESP32_SDK_DIR) # With the '-Os' option, the ESP32 hangs sporadically in 'tests/bench*' if # interrupts are disabled too early by benchmark tests. CFLAGS_OPT ?= -O2 # ESP32 specific flashing options FLASH_CHIP = esp32 FLASH_MODE ?= dout FLASH_FREQ = 40m # DO NOT CHANGE FLASH_SIZE ?= 4 BOOTLOADER_POS = 0x1000 include $(RIOTCPU)/esp_common/Makefile.include # regular Makefile TARGET_ARCH ?= xtensa-esp32-elf PSEUDOMODULES += esp_eth_hw PSEUDOMODULES += esp_gdbstub PSEUDOMODULES += esp_hw_counter PSEUDOMODULES += esp_i2c_hw PSEUDOMODULES += esp_idf_newlib PSEUDOMODULES += esp_rtc_timer PSEUDOMODULES += esp_rtc_timer_32k PSEUDOMODULES += esp_spi_ram PSEUDOMODULES += esp_wifi_enterprise INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/ INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/esp32 INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/heap INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/spi_flash INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/tcpip_adapter INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/ INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/driver/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/esp32/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/heap/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/soc/esp32/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/soc/include INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU) CFLAGS += -DSDK_NOT_USED -DCONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE=1 -DESP_PLATFORM CFLAGS += -DLOG_TAG_IN_BRACKETS ifneq (,$(filter esp_now esp_wifi,$(USEMODULE))) BASELIBS += -lcore -lrtc -lnet80211 -lpp -lcoexist BASELIBS += -lwps -lwpa -lwpa2 -lphy -lstdc++ endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_now,$(USEMODULE))) BASELIBS += -lespnow -lmesh endif LINKFLAGS += -L$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/ LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.common.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.rom.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.rom.nanofmt.ld LINKFLAGS += -nostdlib -lgcc -Wl,-gc-sections # NOTE: This check can be turned into a normal conditional after #9913 is fixed UNDEF += $(if $(filter cpp,$(FEATURES_USED)),$(BINDIR)/esp_cxx/cxa_guard.o) BASELIBS += $(if $(filter cpp,$(FEATURES_USED)),-lstdc++) # additional flasher configuration for ESP32 QEMU ifneq (,$(filter esp_qemu,$(USEMODULE))) FFLAGS += cp $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/bin/rom_0x3ff90000_0x00010000.bin $(BINDIR)/rom1.bin && FFLAGS += cp $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/bin/rom_0x40000000_0x000c2000.bin $(BINDIR)/rom.bin endif