/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Koen Zandberg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup usb_usbus_fmt * @{ * @file * @brief USBUS protocol message formatting functions * * @author Koen Zandberg * @} */ #include #include #include "usb/descriptor.h" #include "usb/usbus/fmt.h" #include "usb/usbus/control.h" static size_t _num_ifaces(usbus_t *usbus) { size_t num = 0; for (usbus_interface_t *iface = usbus->iface; iface; iface = iface->next) { num++; } return num; } static size_t _num_endpoints(usbus_interface_t *iface) { size_t num = 0; for (usbus_endpoint_t *ep = iface->ep; ep; ep = ep->next) { num++; } return num; } static uint8_t _type_to_attribute(usbus_endpoint_t *ep) { switch (ep->ep->type) { case USB_EP_TYPE_CONTROL: return 0x00; case USB_EP_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS: return 0x01; case USB_EP_TYPE_BULK: return 0x02; case USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT: return 0x03; default: assert(false); break; } return 0x00; } static size_t _num_endpoints_alt(usbus_interface_alt_t *alt) { size_t num = 0; for (usbus_endpoint_t *ep = alt->ep; ep; ep = ep->next) { num++; } return num; } static inline size_t call_get_header_len(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_hdr_gen_t *hdr) { return hdr->funcs->len_type == USBUS_HDR_LEN_FIXED ? hdr->funcs->len.fixed_len : hdr->funcs->len.get_header_len(usbus, hdr->arg); } static size_t _hdr_gen_size(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_hdr_gen_t *hdr) { size_t len = 0; for (; hdr; hdr = hdr->next) { len += call_get_header_len(usbus, hdr); } return len; } static size_t _ep_size(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_endpoint_t *ep) { size_t len = 0; for (; ep; ep = ep->next) { len += sizeof(usb_descriptor_endpoint_t); len += _hdr_gen_size(usbus, ep->hdr_gen); } return len; } static size_t _alt_size(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_interface_alt_t *alt) { size_t len = 0; for (; alt; alt = alt->next) { len += sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t); len += _hdr_gen_size(usbus, alt->hdr_gen); len += _ep_size(usbus, alt->ep); } return len; } static size_t _hdrs_config_size(usbus_t *usbus) { size_t len = sizeof(usb_descriptor_configuration_t); len += _hdr_gen_size(usbus, usbus->hdr_gen); for (usbus_interface_t *iface = usbus->iface; iface; iface = iface->next) { len += sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t); len += _hdr_gen_size(usbus, iface->hdr_gen); len += _ep_size(usbus, iface->ep); len += _alt_size(usbus, iface->alts); } return len; } static inline size_t _get_pre_header(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_hdr_gen_t *hdr) { return (hdr->funcs->fmt_pre_descriptor != NULL) ? hdr->funcs->fmt_pre_descriptor(usbus, hdr->arg) : 0; } static inline size_t _get_additional_header(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_hdr_gen_t *hdr) { return (hdr->funcs->get_header != NULL) ? hdr->funcs->get_header(usbus, hdr->arg) : 0; } static size_t _hdrs_fmt_pre(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_hdr_gen_t *hdr) { size_t len = 0; for (; hdr; hdr = hdr->next) { len += _get_pre_header(usbus, hdr); } return len; } static size_t _hdrs_fmt_additional(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_hdr_gen_t *hdr) { size_t len = 0; for (; hdr; hdr = hdr->next) { len += _get_additional_header(usbus, hdr); } return len; } static size_t _hdrs_fmt_hdrs(usbus_t *usbus) { return _hdrs_fmt_additional(usbus, usbus->hdr_gen); } static size_t _hdrs_fmt_endpoints(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_endpoint_t *ep) { size_t len = 0; while (ep) { _hdrs_fmt_pre(usbus, ep->hdr_gen); usb_descriptor_endpoint_t usb_ep; memset(&usb_ep, 0, sizeof(usb_descriptor_endpoint_t)); usb_ep.length = sizeof(usb_descriptor_endpoint_t); usb_ep.type = USB_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT; usb_ep.address = ep->ep->num; if (ep->ep->dir == USB_EP_DIR_IN) { usb_ep.address |= 0x80; } usb_ep.attributes = _type_to_attribute(ep); usb_ep.max_packet_size = ep->maxpacketsize; usb_ep.interval = ep->interval; usbus_control_slicer_put_bytes(usbus, (uint8_t *)&usb_ep, sizeof(usb_descriptor_endpoint_t)); _hdrs_fmt_additional(usbus, ep->hdr_gen); len += usb_ep.length; /* iterate to next endpoint */ ep = ep->next; } return len; } static void _hdrs_fmt_iface(usbus_interface_t *iface, usb_descriptor_interface_t *usb_iface) { memset(usb_iface, 0, sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t)); usb_iface->length = sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t); usb_iface->type = USB_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE; usb_iface->interface_num = iface->idx; usb_iface->class = iface->class; usb_iface->subclass = iface->subclass; usb_iface->protocol = iface->protocol; } static size_t _hdrs_fmt_iface_alts(usbus_t *usbus, usbus_interface_t *iface) { size_t len = 0; uint8_t alts = 1; for (usbus_interface_alt_t *alt = iface->alts; alt; alt = alt->next) { usb_descriptor_interface_t usb_iface; _hdrs_fmt_iface(iface, &usb_iface); usb_iface.alternate_setting = alts++; usb_iface.num_endpoints = _num_endpoints_alt(alt); usbus_control_slicer_put_bytes(usbus, (uint8_t *)&usb_iface, sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t)); len += _hdrs_fmt_additional(usbus, alt->hdr_gen); len += _hdrs_fmt_endpoints(usbus, alt->ep); } return len; } static size_t _hdrs_fmt_ifaces(usbus_t *usbus) { size_t len = 0; for (usbus_interface_t *iface = usbus->iface; iface; iface = iface->next) { len += _hdrs_fmt_pre(usbus, iface->hdr_gen); usb_descriptor_interface_t usb_iface; _hdrs_fmt_iface(iface, &usb_iface); usb_iface.num_endpoints = _num_endpoints(iface); if (iface->descr) { usb_iface.idx = iface->descr->idx; } else { usb_iface.idx = 0; } usbus_control_slicer_put_bytes(usbus, (uint8_t *)&usb_iface, sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t)); len += sizeof(usb_descriptor_interface_t); len += _hdrs_fmt_additional(usbus, iface->hdr_gen); len += _hdrs_fmt_endpoints(usbus, iface->ep); len += _hdrs_fmt_iface_alts(usbus, iface); } return len; } size_t usbus_fmt_hdr_conf(usbus_t *usbus) { size_t len = 0; usb_descriptor_configuration_t conf; memset(&conf, 0, sizeof(usb_descriptor_configuration_t)); conf.length = sizeof(usb_descriptor_configuration_t); conf.type = USB_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION; conf.total_length = sizeof(usb_descriptor_configuration_t); conf.val = 1; conf.attributes = USB_CONF_ATTR_RESERVED; if (USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED) { conf.attributes |= USB_CONF_ATTR_SELF_POWERED; } /* TODO: upper bound */ /* USB max power is reported in increments of 2 mA */ conf.max_power = USB_CONFIG_MAX_POWER / 2; conf.num_interfaces = _num_ifaces(usbus); len += sizeof(usb_descriptor_configuration_t); conf.total_length = _hdrs_config_size(usbus); conf.idx = usbus->config.idx; usbus_control_slicer_put_bytes(usbus, (uint8_t *)&conf, sizeof(conf)); len += _hdrs_fmt_hdrs(usbus); len += _hdrs_fmt_ifaces(usbus); return len; } size_t usbus_fmt_hdr_dev(usbus_t *usbus) { usb_descriptor_device_t desc; memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(usb_descriptor_device_t)); desc.length = sizeof(usb_descriptor_device_t); desc.type = USB_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE; desc.bcd_usb = USB_CONFIG_SPEC_BCDVERSION; desc.max_packet_size = USBUS_EP0_SIZE; desc.vendor_id = USB_CONFIG_VID; desc.product_id = USB_CONFIG_PID; desc.manufacturer_idx = usbus->manuf.idx; desc.product_idx = usbus->product.idx; /* USBUS supports only a single config at the moment */ desc.num_configurations = 1; usbus_control_slicer_put_bytes(usbus, (uint8_t *)&desc, sizeof(usb_descriptor_device_t)); return sizeof(usb_descriptor_device_t); }