#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014 Oliver Hahm # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import cmd import serial import socket import sys import threading import readline import time import logging import os import argparse import re import codecs import platform try: serial.Serial except AttributeError: print("\033[1;37;41m\n") print("Something went terribly wrong when loading the pyserial package.") print("There is a good chance that you installed the 'serial' package instead") print("of 'pyserial'. Try running 'pip uninstall serial && pip install pyserial'") print("\033[0m") sys.exit(1) # import twisted if available, define dummy classes otherwise try: from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, \ ReconnectingClientFactory except ImportError: logging.getLogger("").warning("Twisted not available, please install " "it if you want to use pyterm's JSON " "capabilities") class Protocol(): def __init__(self): pass class ReconnectingClientFactory(): def __init__(self): pass # set some default options defaulthostname = platform.node() # default serial port defaultport = "/dev/ttyUSB0" # default baudrate for serial connection defaultbaud = 115200 # directory to store configuration and log files defaultdir = os.environ['HOME'] + os.path.sep + '.pyterm' # configuration file name defaultfile = "pyterm-" + defaulthostname + ".conf" # logging subfolder defaultrunname = "default-run" # default logging prefix format string default_fmt_str = '%(asctime)s # %(message)s' # default newline setting defaultnewline = "LF" # default prompt character defaultprompt = '>' # repeat command on empty line instead of sending the line defaultrepeat_cmd_empty_line = True class SerCmd(cmd.Cmd): """Main class for pyterm based on Python's Cmd class. Runs an interactive terminal that transfer between stdio and serial port. """ def __init__(self, port=None, baudrate=None, toggle=None, tcp_serial=None, confdir=None, conffile=None, host=None, run_name=None, log_dir_name=None, newline=None, formatter=None, set_rts=None, set_dtr=None, serprompt=None, repeat_command_on_empty_line=defaultrepeat_cmd_empty_line): """Constructor. Args: port (str): serial port baudrate (int): serial baudrate tcp_serial (iht): TCP port to connect to (alternatively) confdir (str): configuration directory conffile (str): configuration file name host (str): local host name run_name (str): identifier for log files subdirectory """ # initialize class members cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate self.toggle = toggle self.set_rts = set_rts self.set_dtr = set_dtr self.tcp_serial = tcp_serial self.configdir = confdir self.configfile = conffile self.host = host self.run_name = run_name self.log_dir_name = log_dir_name self.newline = newline self.serprompt = serprompt self.repeat_command_on_empty_line = repeat_command_on_empty_line if formatter is not None: self.fmt_str = formatter if not self.host: self.host = defaulthostname if not self.run_name: self.run_name = defaultrunname if not self.log_dir_name: self.log_dir_name = self.host if not os.path.exists(self.configdir): os.makedirs(self.configdir) self.aliases = dict() self.triggers = dict() self.filters = [] self.ignores = [] self.json_regs = dict() self.init_cmd = [] self.load_config() if not hasattr(self, "fmt_str") or self.fmt_str is None: self.fmt_str = default_fmt_str else: self.fmt_str = str(self.fmt_str.replace('"', '')) + "%(message)s" # check for a history file try: readline.read_history_file() except IOError: pass # create Logging object my_millis = "%.4f" % (time.time()) date_str = '%s.%s' % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H.%M.%S'), my_millis[-4:]) self.startup = date_str # create formatter formatter = logging.Formatter(self.fmt_str) directory = self.configdir + os.path.sep + self.log_dir_name if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) logging.basicConfig(filename=directory + os.path.sep + self.run_name + '.log', level=logging.DEBUG, format=self.fmt_str) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create logger self.logger = logging.getLogger('') self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # add formatter to ch ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add ch to logger self.logger.addHandler(ch) def preloop(self): """Executed bat program start. """ # if no serial or TCP is specified use default serial port if not self.port and not self.tcp_serial: sys.stderr.write("No port specified, using default (%s)!\n" % (defaultport)) self.port = defaultport # if a TCP port is specified try to connect if self.tcp_serial: if self.tcp_serial.find(':') >= 0: host = self.tcp_serial.split(':')[0] port = self.tcp_serial.split(':')[1] else: self.logger.warning("Host name for TCP connection is " "missing, defaulting to \"localhost\"") host = "localhost" port = self.tcp_serial self.logger.info("Connect to %s:%s" % (host, port)) try: for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: s = fdsocket(af, socktype, proto) except socket.error as msg: s = None continue try: s.connect(sa) except socket.error as msg: s.close() s = None continue break except socket.gaierror as msg: self.logger.error(str(msg)) s = None if s: self.ser = s else: self.logger.error("Something went wrong connecting to " "localhost:%s" % self.tcp_serial) sys.exit(1) # otherwise go for the serial port elif self.port: self.logger.info("Connect to serial port %s" % self.port) try: self.serial_connect() except OSError as e: self.logger.error("Cannot connect to serial port {}: {}" .format(self.port, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) except serial.SerialException as e: self.logger.error("%s", e.strerror) sys.exit(1) # wait until connection is established and fire startup # commands to the node time.sleep(1) for command in self.init_cmd: self.logger.debug("WRITE ----->>>>>> '" + command + "'\n") self.onecmd(self.precmd(command)) # start serial->console thread receiver_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.reader) receiver_thread.setDaemon(1) receiver_thread.start() def precmd(self, line): """Check for command prefixes to distinguish between Pyterm interal commands and commands that should be send to the node. """ self.logger.debug("processing line #%s#" % line) if (line.startswith("/")): return "PYTERM_" + line[1:] return line def emptyline(self): """Either send empty line or repeat previous command. Behavior can be configured with `repeat_command_on_empty_line`. """ if self.repeat_command_on_empty_line: super().emptyline() else: self.default('') def default(self, line): """In case of no Pyterm specific prefix is detected, split string by colons and send it to the node. """ self.logger.debug("%s is no pyterm command, sending to default " "out" % line) for tok in line.split(';'): tok = self.get_alias(tok) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: self.ser.write((tok.strip() + "\n").decode("utf-8").encode("utf-8")) else: self.ser.write((tok.strip() + "\n").encode("utf-8")) def do_help(self, line): """Do not use Cmd's internal help function, but redirect to the node. """ self.ser.write("help\n".encode("utf-8")) def do_EOF(self, line): """Handle EOF (Ctrl+D) nicely.""" self.logger.debug("Received EOF") self.do_PYTERM_exit("") sys.exit(0) def complete_date(self, text, line, begidx, endidm): """Auto completion for date string. """ date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return ["%s" % (date)] def do_PYTERM_reset(self, line): """Pyterm command: Send a reset to the node. """ self.ser.setDTR(1) self.ser.setDTR(0) def do_PYTERM_exit(self, line, unused=None): """Pyterm command: Exit Pyterm. """ self.logger.info("Exiting Pyterm") # save history file readline.write_history_file() # shut down twisted if running try: if reactor.running: reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop) except NameError: pass if self.tcp_serial: self.ser.close() return True def do_PYTERM_save(self, line): """Pyterm command: Save Pyterm configuration to file. """ if not self.config.has_section("general"): self.config.add_section("general") self.config.set("general", "port", self.port) if len(self.aliases): if not self.config.has_section("aliases"): self.config.add_section("aliases") for alias in self.aliases: self.config.set("aliases", alias, self.aliases[alias]) if len(self.triggers): if not self.config.has_section("triggers"): self.config.add_section("triggers") for trigger in self.triggers: self.config.set("triggers", trigger.pattern, self.triggers[trigger]) if len(self.json_regs): if not self.config.has_section("json_regs"): self.config.add_section("json_regs") for j in self.json_regs: self.config.set("json_regs", j, self.json_regs[j].pattern) if len(self.filters): if not self.config.has_section("filters"): self.config.add_section("filters") i = 0 for r in self.filters: self.config.set("filters", "filter%i" % i, r.pattern) i += 1 if len(self.ignores): if not self.config.has_section("ignores"): self.config.add_section("ignores") i = 0 for r in self.ignores: self.config.set("ignores", "ignore%i" % i, r.pattern) i += 1 if len(self.init_cmd): if not self.config.has_section("init_cmd"): self.config.add_section("init_cmd") i = 0 for ic in self.init_cmd: self.config.set("init_cmd", "init_cmd%i" % i, ic) i += 1 with open(self.configdir + os.path.sep + self.configfile, 'wb')\ as config_fd: self.config.write(config_fd) self.logger.info("Config saved") def do_PYTERM_show_config(self, line): """Pyterm command: Show current configuration. """ for key in self.__dict__: print(str(key) + ": " + str(self.__dict__[key])) def do_PYTERM_alias(self, line): """Pyterm command: Register an alias or show an list of all registered aliases. """ if line.endswith("list"): for alias in self.aliases: self.logger.info("%s = %s" % (alias, self.aliases[alias])) return if not line.count("="): sys.stderr.write("Usage: /alias = \n") return alias = line.split('=')[0].strip() command = line[line.index('=')+1:].strip() self.logger.info("adding command %s for alias %s" % (command, alias)) self.aliases[alias] = command def do_PYTERM_rmalias(self, line): """Pyterm command: Unregister an alias. """ if not self.aliases.pop(line, None): sys.stderr.write("Alias not found") def get_alias(self, tok): """Internal function to check for aliases. """ for alias in self.aliases: if tok.split()[0] == alias: return self.aliases[alias] + tok[len(alias):] return tok def do_PYTERM_trigger(self, line): """Pyterm command: Register an trigger Regex. """ if not line.count("="): sys.stderr.write("Usage: /trigger = \n") return trigger = line.split('=')[0].strip() action = line[line.index('=')+1:].strip() self.logger.info("adding action %s for trigger %s" % (action, trigger)) self.triggers[re.compile(trigger)] = action def do_PYTERM_rmtrigger(self, line): """Pyterm command: Unregister an trigger. """ if not self.triggers.pop(line, None): sys.stderr.write("Trigger not found") def do_PYTERM_ignore(self, line): """Pyterm command: Ignore lines with these Regexes matching. """ self.ignores.append(re.compile(line.strip())) def do_PYTERM_unignore(self, line): """Pyterm command: Remote an ignore Regex. """ for r in self.ignores: if (r.pattern == line.strip()): self.logger.info("Remove ignore for %s" % r.pattern) self.ignores.remove(r) return sys.stderr.write("Ignore for %s not found\n" % line.strip()) def do_PYTERM_filter(self, line): """Pyterm command: Show only lines matching this Regex. """ self.filters.append(re.compile(line.strip())) def do_PYTERM_unfilter(self, line): """Pyterm command: Remove a filter. """ for r in self.filters: if (r.pattern == line.strip()): self.logger.info("Remove filter for %s" % r.pattern) self.filters.remove(r) return sys.stderr.write("Filter for %s not found\n" % line.strip()) def do_PYTERM_json(self, line): """Pyterm command: Transfer lines matching this Regex as JSON object. """ self.json_regs[line.split(' ')[0].strip()] =\ re.compile(line.partition(' ')[2].strip()) def do_PYTERM_unjson(self, line): """Pyterm command: Remove a JSON filter. """ if not self.aliases.pop(line, None): sys.stderr.write("JSON regex with ID %s not found" % line) def do_PYTERM_init(self, line): """Pyterm command: Add a startup command. (Only useful in addition with /save). """ self.init_cmd.append(line.strip()) def do_PYTERM_timer(self, line): """Pyterm command: Scheduler a timer.""" line = line.strip() argv = line.partition(' ') if (len(argv[2]) == 0): sys.stderr.write("Usage: /timer \n") return interval = int(argv[0]) cmd = argv[2] self.logger.info("Schedule %s to fire after %i seconds" % (cmd, interval)) t = threading.Timer(interval, self.timer_handler, (cmd,)) t.start() def load_config(self): """Internal function to laod configuration from file. """ self.config = configparser.ConfigParser() cf = os.path.join(self.configdir, self.configfile) self.config.read(cf) logging.getLogger("").info("Reading file: %s" % cf) for sec in self.config.sections(): if sec == "filters": for opt in self.config.options(sec): self.filters.append( re.compile(self.config.get(sec, opt))) if sec == "ignores": for opt in self.config.options(sec): self.ignores.append( re.compile(self.config.get(sec, opt))) if sec == "json_regs": for opt in self.config.options(sec): self.logger.info("add json regex for %s" % self.config.get(sec, opt)) self.json_regs[opt] = re.compile(self.config.get(sec, opt)) if sec == "aliases": for opt in self.config.options(sec): self.aliases[opt] = self.config.get(sec, opt) if sec == "triggers": for opt in self.config.options(sec): self.triggers[re.compile(opt)] = \ self.config.get(sec, opt) if sec == "init_cmd": for opt in self.config.options(sec): self.init_cmd.append(self.config.get(sec, opt)) else: for opt in self.config.options(sec): if not hasattr(self, opt): setattr(self, opt, self.config.get(sec, opt)) def timer_handler(self, line): """Handles a scheduled timer event. Args: line (str): the command line to be executed, when the timer fires. """ self.logger.debug("Firing timer with %s" % line) self.onecmd(self.precmd(line + '\n')) def process_line(self, line): """Processes a valid line from node that should be printed and possibly forwarded. Args: line (str): input from node. """ self.logger.info(line) # check if line matches a trigger and fire the command(s) for trigger in self.triggers: self.logger.debug("comparing input %s to trigger %s" % (line, trigger.pattern)) m = trigger.search(line) if m: self.onecmd(self.precmd(self.triggers[trigger])) # ckecking if the line should be sent as JSON object to a tcp # server if (len(self.json_regs)) and self.factory and self.factory.myproto: for j in self.json_regs: m = self.json_regs[j].search(line) if m: try: json_obj = '{"jid":%d, ' % int(j) except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("Invalid JID: %s\n" % j) break json_obj += '"raw":"%s", ' % line json_obj += '"date":%s, ' % int(time.time()*1000) for g in m.groupdict(): try: json_obj += '"%s":%d, ' \ % (g, int(m.groupdict()[g])) except ValueError: json_obj += '"%s":"%s", ' \ % (g, m.groupdict()[g]) # eliminate the superfluous last ", " json_obj = json_obj[:-2] json_obj += "}" self.factory.myproto.sendMessage(json_obj) def handle_line(self, line): """Handle line from node and check for further processing requirements. Args: line (str): input line from node. """ # First check if line should be ignored ignored = False if (len(self.ignores)): for i in self.ignores: if i.search(line): ignored = True break # now check if filter rules should be applied if (len(self.filters)): for r in self.filters: if r.search(line): if not ignored: self.process_line(line) # if neither nor applies print the line else: if not ignored: self.process_line(line) def serial_connect(self): self.ser = serial.Serial(port=self.port, dsrdtr=0, rtscts=0) self.ser.baudrate = self.baudrate if self.toggle: self.ser.setDTR(0) self.ser.setRTS(0) if self.set_rts == 1 or self.set_rts == 0: self.ser.setRTS(self.set_rts) if self.set_dtr == 1 or self.set_dtr == 0: self.ser.setDTR(self.set_dtr) def reader(self): """Serial or TCP reader. """ output = "" crreceived = False nlreceived = False while (1): # check if serial port can be accessed. try: sr = codecs.getreader("UTF-8")(self.ser, errors='replace') c = sr.read(1) # try to re-open it with a timeout of 1s otherwise except (serial.SerialException, ValueError): self.logger.warning("Serial port disconnected, waiting to " "get reconnected...") self.ser.close() time.sleep(1) if os.path.exists(self.port): self.logger.warning("Try to reconnect to %s again..." % (self.port)) try: self.serial_connect() self.logger.info("Reconnected to serial port %s" % self.port) except serial.SerialException: pass continue if c == '\r': if (self.newline == "LFCR" and nlreceived) or (self.newline == "CR"): self.handle_line(output) output = "" elif c == '\n': if (self.newline == "CRLF" and crreceived) or (self.newline == "LF"): self.handle_line(output) output = "" elif c == self.serprompt and output == "": sys.stdout.write('%c ' % self.serprompt) sys.stdout.flush() else: output += c # Hack to correctly handle reset ANSI escape code in the stream # When the reset escape sequence is detected, it is written and # flushed immediately to stdout if output == '\033[0m': sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stdout.flush() output = "" crreceived = c == '\r' nlreceived = c == '\n' class PytermProt(Protocol): def __init__(self, factory): self.factory = factory def connectionMade(self): print("writing to transport") self.transport.write("hostname: %s\n" % (self.factory.shell.host)) def dataReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) if(data.strip() == "/exit"): reactor.callLater(2, self.factory.shell.do_PYTERM_exit, data) else: self.factory.shell.ser.write(data + "\n") def sendMessage(self, msg): self.transport.writeSomeData("%d#%s\n" % (len(msg), msg)) class PytermClientFactory(ReconnectingClientFactory): def __init__(self, shell=None): self.myproto = None self.shell = shell def buildProtocol(self, addr): print('Connected.') self.resetDelay() self.myproto = PytermProt(self) return self.myproto def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): if reactor.running: print('Lost connection. Reason:', reason) ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): print('Connection failed. Reason:', reason) ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) class fdsocket(socket.socket): def read(self, bufsize): return self.recv(bufsize) def write(self, string): try: return self.sendall(string) except socket.error as e: logging.getLogger("").warning("Error in TCP connection (%s), " "closing down" % str(e)) self.close() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pyterm - The Python " "terminal program") parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="Specifies the serial port to use, default is %s" % defaultport, default=defaultport) parser.add_argument("-ts", "--tcp-serial", help="Connect to a TCP port instead of a serial port. " "Format is :. If the colon is missing" " host defaults to \"localhost\"") parser.add_argument("-b", "--baudrate", help="Specifies baudrate for the serial port, default " "is %s" % defaultbaud, default=defaultbaud) parser.add_argument("-tg", "--toggle", action="store_true", help="toggles the DTR and RTS pin of the serial line " "when connecting, default is not toggling the pins") parser.add_argument("-sr", "--set-rts", dest="set_rts", type=int, action="store", default=None, help="Specifies the value of RTS pin") parser.add_argument("-sd", "--set-dtr", dest="set_dtr", type=int, action="store", default=None, help="Specifies the value of DTR pin") parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', help="Specify the Pyterm directory, default is %s" % defaultdir, default=defaultdir) parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="Specify the config filename, default is %s" % defaultfile, default=defaultfile) parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help="The format prefix for output and log entries, " "default is %s" % str.replace(default_fmt_str, '%', '%%')) parser.add_argument("-np", "--noprefix", action="store_true", help="Disable format prefix, raw output") parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", help="Connect via TCP to this server to send output " "as JSON") parser.add_argument("-P", "--tcp_port", type=int, help="Port at the JSON server") parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", help="Hostname of this maschine") parser.add_argument("-rn", "--run-name", help="Run name, used for logfile") parser.add_argument("-ln", "--log-dir-name", help="Log directory name (default is hostname + " "run-name e.g. %s//)" % defaultdir) parser.add_argument("-nl", "--newline", help="Specify the newline character(s) as a combination " "of CR and LF. Examples: -nl=LF, -nl=CRLF. " "(Default is %s)" % defaultnewline, default=defaultnewline) parser.add_argument("-pr", "--prompt", help="The expected prompt character, default is %c" % defaultprompt, default=defaultprompt) # Keep help message in sync if changing the default parser.add_argument("--repeat-command-on-empty-line", dest='repeat_command_on_empty_line', action='store_true', help="Repeat command on empty line (Default)") parser.add_argument("--no-repeat-command-on-empty-line", dest='repeat_command_on_empty_line', action="store_false", help="Do not repeat command on empty line") parser.set_defaults( repeat_command_on_empty_line=defaultrepeat_cmd_empty_line) args = parser.parse_args() if args.noprefix: args.format = "" myshell = SerCmd(args.port, args.baudrate, args.toggle, args.tcp_serial, args.directory, args.config, args.host, args.run_name, args.log_dir_name, args.newline, args.format, args.set_rts, args.set_dtr, args.prompt, args.repeat_command_on_empty_line) myshell.prompt = '' try: if args.server and args.tcp_port: myfactory = PytermClientFactory(myshell) reactor.connectTCP(args.server, args.tcp_port, myfactory) myshell.factory = myfactory reactor.callInThread(myshell.cmdloop, "Welcome to pyterm!\n" "Type '/exit' to exit.") reactor.run() else: myshell.cmdloop("Welcome to pyterm!\nType '/exit' to exit.") except KeyboardInterrupt: myshell.do_PYTERM_exit(None)