/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013, Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB). All rights reserved. These sources were developed at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Computer Systems and Telematics group (http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of RIOT. This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the LGPLv2. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more details. *******************************************************************************/ #include "cpu.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "kernel_internal.h" #include "sched.h" volatile int __inISR = 0; char __isr_stack[MSP430_ISR_STACK_SIZE]; void thread_yield() { __save_context(); dINT(); /* have active_thread point to the next thread */ sched_run(); eINT(); __restore_context(); } void cpu_switch_context_exit(void) { active_thread = sched_threads[0]; sched_run(); __restore_context(); } /** * mspgcc handles main specially - it does not return but falls * through to section .fini9. * To "fix" this, we put a return in section .fini9 to make main * behave like a regular function. This enables a common * thread_stack_init behavior. */ __attribute__((section (".fini9"))) void __main_epilogue(void) { __asm__("ret"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Processor specific routine - here for MSP //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *thread_stack_init(void (*task_func)(void), void *stack_start, int stack_size) { unsigned short *stk; stk = (unsigned short *)(stack_start + stack_size); *stk = (unsigned short) sched_task_exit; --stk; *stk = (unsigned short) task_func; --stk; /* initial value for SR */ *stk = GIE; --stk; /* Space for registers. */ for (unsigned int i = 15; i > 4; i--) { *stk = i; --stk; } //stk -= 11; return (char *) stk; } int inISR() { return __inISR; }