#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014 René Kijewski # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from __future__ import print_function import re from itertools import groupby from os import devnull, environ, listdir from os.path import abspath, dirname, isfile, join from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_call, check_output, PIPE, Popen from sys import exit, stdout, argv riotbase = environ.get('RIOTBASE') or abspath(join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), '../' * 3)) if len(argv) > 1: base_branch = argv[1] diff_files = check_output(('git', 'diff', '--name-only', base_branch, 'HEAD')) diff_files = set(diff_files.split()) else: base_branch = '' null = open(devnull, 'w', 0) success = [] failed = [] skipped = [] exceptions = [] def is_tracked(application_folder): if not isfile(join(application_folder, 'Makefile')): return False try: check_call(('git', 'ls-files', '--error-unmatch', 'Makefile'), stdin=null, stdout=null, stderr=null, cwd=application_folder) except CalledProcessError: return False else: return True def get_lines(readline, prefix): while 1: result = readline() if not result: break elif not result.startswith(prefix): continue result = result[len(prefix):].rstrip().split(' .. ')[::-1] if (len(result) > 1) and ('success' in result[0] or 'failed' in result[0]): stdout.write('.') stdout.flush() yield (' .. '.join(result[:-1]), result[-1]) def _get_common_user(common): return [f for f in check_output(r'grep -l "{}" cpu/*/Makefile* boards/*/Makefile*'.format(common), shell=True).split() if "common" not in f] def _get_boards_from_files(files): boards = set() if any("boards/" in s for s in files): for f in files: if "boards/" not in f: continue board = re.sub(r"^boards/([^/]+)/.*$", r"\1", f) if "common" in board: boards |= _get_boards_from_files(_get_common_user(board)) else: boards |= { board } return boards def _get_cpus_from_files(files): cpus = set() if any("cpu/" in s for s in files): for f in files: if "cpu/" not in f: continue cpu = re.sub(r"^cpu/([^/]+)/.*", r"\1", f) if "common" in cpu: cpus |= _get_cpus_from_files(_get_common_user(cpu)) else: cpus |= { cpu } return cpus def is_updated(application_folder, subprocess_env): try: if base_branch == '': return True if ".travis.yml" in diff_files or \ any("dist/" in s for s in diff_files): return True boards_changes = set() boards_changes |= _get_boards_from_files(diff_files) for cpu in _get_cpus_from_files(diff_files): board_files = check_output(r'grep -l "^\(export \)*CPU[ :?=]\+{}" boards/*/Makefile.include'.format(cpu), shell=True).split() boards_changes |= _get_boards_from_files(board_files) if len(boards_changes) > 0: app_files = set() for board in boards_changes: env = { "BOARD": board } env.update(subprocess_env) tmp = check_output(('make', 'info-files'), stderr=null, cwd=application_folder, env=env) app_files |= set(tmp.split()) if (len(diff_files & app_files) > 0): return True else: app_files = check_output(('make', 'info-files'), stderr=null, cwd=application_folder, env=subprocess_env) app_files = set(app_files.split()) return (len(diff_files & app_files) > 0) except CalledProcessError as e: return True for folder in ('examples', 'tests'): print('Building all applications in: \033[1;34m{}\033[0m'.format(folder)) applications = listdir(join(riotbase, folder)) applications = filter(lambda app: is_tracked(join(riotbase, folder, app)), applications) applications = sorted(applications) subprocess_env = environ.copy() subprocess_env['RIOT_DO_RETRY'] = '1' for nth, application in enumerate(applications, 1): stdout.write('\tBuilding application: \033[1;34m{}\033[0m ({}/{}) '.format(application, nth, len(applications))) stdout.flush() try: if not is_updated(join(riotbase, folder, application), subprocess_env): print("\033[1;33m(skipped)\033[0m") skipped.append(application) continue subprocess = Popen(('make', 'buildtest'), bufsize=1, stdin=null, stdout=PIPE, stderr=null, cwd=join(riotbase, folder, application), env=subprocess_env) lines = get_lines(subprocess.stdout.readline, 'Building for ') lines = groupby(sorted(lines), lambda (outcome, board): outcome) print() for group, results in lines: print('\t\t{}: {}'.format(group, ', '.join(sorted(board for outcome, board in results)))) returncode = subprocess.wait() if returncode == 0: success.append(application) else: failed.append(application) except Exception, e: print('\n\t\tException: {}'.format(e)) exceptions.append(application) finally: try: subprocess.kill() except: pass print('Outcome:') for color, group in (('3', 'skipped'), ('2', 'success'), ('1', 'failed'), ('4', 'exceptions')): applications = locals()[group] if applications: print('\t\033[1;3{}m{}\033[0m: {}'.format(color, group, ', '.join(applications))) if exceptions: exit(2) elif failed: exit(1) else: exit(0)