APPLICATION ?= tests_$(notdir $(patsubst %/,%,$(CURDIR))) ifneq (,$(wildcard $(CURDIR)/tests*/.)) # add interactive test configuration when testing Kconfig DEFAULT_MODULE += test_utils_interactive_sync # add stack metric printing configuration when testing Kconfig DEFAULT_MODULE += test_utils_print_stack_usage # do the same for Kconfig builds ifeq (1,$(TEST_KCONFIG)) KCONFIG_ADD_CONFIG += $(RIOTBASE)/tests/test_utils.config endif endif ifneq (,$(filter tests_driver_%,$(APPLICATION))) BOARD ?= samr21-xpro endif BOARD ?= native RIOTBASE ?= $(CURDIR)/../.. QUIET ?= 1 # DEVELHELP enabled by default for all tests, set 0 to disable DEVELHELP ?= 1