@defgroup pkg_lvgl LittlevGL - Open-Source Embedded GUI Library
@ingroup  pkg
@brief    LittlevGL package for RIOT

@see      https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl

## Configuration options

The package can be configured with using several variables. These variables can
either be passed directly to build command line or set in the application

### Graphical settings

- `LVGL_COLOR_DEPTH`: configure the color depth in bit of the screen (default: 16)
- `LVGL_COLOR_16_SWAP`: enable byte swap when communicating with the screen
  driver (default: 1, enabled)

### Memory settings

`LVGL_MEM_SIZE`: configure the maximum memory size used by lvgl. This depends
on the number of lvgl widgets and objects used by the interface (default:
5U*1024U, 5KiB). Must be greater than 2KiB.

### Engine settings

- `LVGL_INACTIVITY_PERIOD_MS`: maximum inactivity period before going to sleep in ms.
  (default: 1s)
- `LVGL_TASK_HANDLER_DELAY_US`: delay between lvgl task handle call in ms.
  (default: 5ms)
- `LVGL_TASK_THREAD_PRIO`: lvgl task handler thread priority.
  (default: THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1)

Example of command line for changing the max activity period to 5s:

LVGL_ACTIVITY_PERIOD=5000 make -C tests/pkg_lvgl
