/* * Copyright (C) 2017,2020 Freie Universität Berlin * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_sam3 * @ingroup drivers_periph_rtt * * @note The hardware RTT unit does neither support overflow interrupts * nor setting the counter value. For this, this RTT driver does * not implement those functions. * @{ * * @file * @brief Low-level RTT driver implementation * * @author Hauke Petersen * * @} */ #include "cpu.h" #include "periph/rtt.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG 0 #include "debug.h" static struct { rtt_cb_t cb; void *arg; } isr_ctx; void rtt_init(void) { /* enable RTT module */ rtt_poweron(); /* configure and apply the pre-scaler */ RTT->RTT_MR = RTT_MR_RTPRES(CHIP_FREQ_XTAL_32K / RTT_FREQUENCY); RTT->RTT_MR |= RTT_MR_RTTRST; /* resetting the timer takes two slow clock cycles, so we wait for this to * complete */ while (RTT->RTT_VR != 0) {} /* configure NVIC line */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTT_IRQn); } uint32_t rtt_get_counter(void) { return RTT->RTT_VR; } void rtt_set_alarm(uint32_t alarm, rtt_cb_t cb, void *arg) { /* cancel any existing alarm */ RTT->RTT_MR &= ~(RTT_MR_ALMIEN); /* set new alarm */ isr_ctx.cb = cb; isr_ctx.arg = arg; /* the alarm value is RTT_AR + 1, so we need to subtract 1 from the target * value here */ RTT->RTT_AR = (alarm - 1); /* (re-)enable the alarm */ RTT->RTT_MR |= RTT_MR_ALMIEN; } uint32_t rtt_get_alarm(void) { if (RTT->RTT_MR & RTT_MR_ALMIEN) { return RTT->RTT_AR; } return 0; } void rtt_clear_alarm(void) { RTT->RTT_MR &= ~(RTT_MR_ALMIEN); } void rtt_poweron(void) { PMC->PMC_PCER0 |= (1 << ID_RTT); } void rtt_poweroff(void) { PMC->PMC_PCER0 &= ~(1 << ID_RTT); } void isr_rtt(void) { uint32_t state = RTT->RTT_SR; /* this clears all pending flags */ if (state & RTT_SR_ALMS) { RTT->RTT_MR &= ~(RTT_MR_ALMIEN); isr_ctx.cb(isr_ctx.arg); } cortexm_isr_end(); }