/** @defgroup boards_lsn50 Dragino LSN50 LoRa Sensor Node @ingroup boards @brief Support for the Dragino LSN50 LoRa Sensor Node ### Introduction This board is a waterproof board with a LoRa SX1276 radio. ![LSN50](https://wiki.dragino.com/images/thumb/e/e9/Introdution.png/600px-Introdution.png) Documentation of the board is available [here](https://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Lora_Sensor_Node-LSN50). More documentation is available [here](http://wiki.dragino.com/index.php?title=Lora_Sensor_Node-LSN50#Resource). The datasheet can be downloaded [here](https://www.dragino.com/downloads/index.php?dir=datasheet/EN/&file=Datasheet_LoRaSensorNode.pdf). Detailed schematics are available on GitHub: - Board schematics are [here](https://github.com/dragino/Lora/tree/master/LSN50) - Radio connection schematics are [here](https://github.com/dragino/Lora/tree/master/LoRaST) ### Flashing the board To flash the board, use an external ST-Link programmer/debugger, plugged on available SWD pins: PA13 (SWDIO), PA14 (SWCLK) and NRST (this pin is not exposed with v1.0). Ensure SW1 is on `flash` position. Then use the following command: make BOARD=lsn50 -C examples/hello-world flash On the v1.0 version of the board, no NRST pin is exposed so one has to press the reset button during flash and release it when OpenOCD prints `adapter speed: 240 kHz` the first time. The reset button must also be pressed a second time after flashing to start the new application. ### STDIO STDIO is connected to pins PA9 (TX) and PA10 (RX) so an USB to UART adapter is required. Use the `term` targed to open a terminal: make BOARD=lsn50 -C examples/hello-world term If an external ST-Link adapter is used, RX and TX pins can be directly connected to it. In this case, STDIO is available on /dev/ttyACMx (Linux case). */