/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Freie Universität Berlin * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup examples * @{ * * @file * @brief CoRE Resource Directory endpoint (cord_ep) example * * @author Hauke Petersen * * @} */ #include #include "fmt.h" #include "shell.h" #include "net/ipv6/addr.h" #include "net/gcoap.h" #include "net/cord/common.h" #include "net/cord/ep_standalone.h" #define MAIN_QUEUE_SIZE (8) static msg_t _main_msg_queue[MAIN_QUEUE_SIZE]; /* we will use a custom event handler for dumping cord_ep events */ static void _on_ep_event(cord_ep_standalone_event_t event) { switch (event) { case CORD_EP_REGISTERED: puts("RD endpoint event: now registered with a RD"); break; case CORD_EP_DEREGISTERED: puts("RD endpoint event: dropped client registration"); break; case CORD_EP_UPDATED: puts("RD endpoint event: successfully updated client registration"); break; } } /* define some dummy CoAP resources */ static ssize_t _handler_dummy(coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, void *ctx) { (void)ctx; /* get random data */ int16_t val = 23; gcoap_resp_init(pdu, buf, len, COAP_CODE_CONTENT); size_t plen = fmt_s16_dec((char *)pdu->payload, val); return gcoap_finish(pdu, plen, COAP_FORMAT_TEXT); } static ssize_t _handler_info(coap_pkt_t *pdu, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, void *ctx) { (void)ctx; gcoap_resp_init(pdu, buf, len, COAP_CODE_CONTENT); size_t slen = sizeof("SOME NODE INFOMRATION"); memcpy(pdu->payload, "SOME NODE INFOMRATION", slen); return gcoap_finish(pdu, slen, COAP_FORMAT_TEXT); } static const coap_resource_t _resources[] = { { "/node/info", COAP_GET, _handler_info, NULL }, { "/sense/hum", COAP_GET, _handler_dummy, NULL }, { "/sense/temp", COAP_GET, _handler_dummy, NULL } }; static gcoap_listener_t _listener = { .resources = (coap_resource_t *)&_resources[0], .resources_len = sizeof(_resources) / sizeof(_resources[0]), .next = NULL }; int main(void) { /* we need a message queue for the thread running the shell in order to * receive potentially fast incoming networking packets */ msg_init_queue(_main_msg_queue, MAIN_QUEUE_SIZE); puts("CoRE RD client example!\n"); /* setup CoAP resources */ gcoap_register_listener(&_listener); /* register event callback with cord_ep_standalone */ cord_ep_standalone_reg_cb(_on_ep_event); puts("Client information:"); printf(" ep: %s\n", cord_common_get_ep()); printf(" lt: %is\n", (int)CORD_LT); char line_buf[SHELL_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE]; shell_run(NULL, line_buf, SHELL_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE); return 0; }