# The profile with which to build Rust usually `release` or `dev`. # # This needs to be known to the build scripts because the path of the produced # binary is derived from this. CARGO_PROFILE ?= release # Note that if we did not set this explicitly, CARGO_LIB would have to # understand which value cargo uses in absence of CARGO_TARGET_DIR, which would # be $(APPDIR)/target. # # For many cases, it would be beneficial to base this on BINDIRBASE rather than # BINDIR, for that would allow different boards using the same CPU to share # compiled code (unless they they build conditionally on environment variables, # like riot-sys does). This is not done for two reasons: # # * Overriding BINDIR (like is done in Murdock) would not take effect, # requiring additional overrides to enable out-of-tree building. # # * Switching back and forth between two boards of the same CPU requires # riot-sys rebuilds. (On its own, this would be outweighed by the shared # compilation of other modules). CARGO_TARGET_DIR = $(BINDIR)/target # The single Rust library to be built. # # The dev->debug and bench->release substitutions represent a historical # peculiarity in cargo: "For historical reasons, the `dev` and `test` profiles # are stored in the `debug` directory, and the `release` and `bench` profiles # are stored in the `release` directory. User-defined profiles are stored in a # directory with the same name as the profile". CARGO_LIB = $(CARGO_TARGET_DIR)/$(RUST_TARGET)/$(patsubst test,debug,$(patsubst dev,debug,$(patsubst bench,release,${CARGO_PROFILE})))/lib$(APPLICATION_RUST_MODULE).a # Options passed into all Cargo commands, in particular to the build command. # # Most of these are populated by RIOT modules that are backed by Rust. Popular # options added by the user are `-Zbuild-std=core` (only available on nightly) # to apply LTO and profile configuration to the core library. CARGO_OPTIONS ?=