/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Inria * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more * details. */ /** * @ingroup drivers_ata8520e * @{ * * @file * @brief Device driver for Microchip ATA8520E transceiver * * @author Alexandre Abadie * * @} */ #include #include #include #include #include "xtimer.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "periph/spi.h" #include "periph/gpio.h" #include "board.h" #include "ata8520e_internals.h" #include "ata8520e.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG 0 /* Warning: to correctly display the debug messages in callbacks, add CFLAGS+=-DTHREAD_STACKSIZE_IDLE=THREAD_STACKSIZE_DEFAULT to the build command. */ #include "debug.h" #define SPIDEV (dev->params.spi) #define CSPIN (dev->params.cs_pin) #define INTPIN (dev->params.int_pin) #define RESETPIN (dev->params.reset_pin) #define POWERPIN (dev->params.power_pin) #define SPI_CS_DELAY_MS (1) #define TX_TIMEOUT (8U) /* 8 s */ #define TX_RX_TIMEOUT (50U) /* 50 s */ static void _print_atmel_status(uint8_t status) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel status: %d\n", status); if (status & ATA8520E_ATMEL_PA_MASK) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: PA ON\n"); } else { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: PA OFF\n"); } if ((status >> 1) & ATA8520E_ATMEL_SYSTEM_READY_MASK) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: System ready to operate\n"); return; } if ((status >> 1) & ATA8520E_ATMEL_FRAME_SENT_MASK) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Frame sent\n"); return; } switch ((status >> 1) & 0x0F) { case ATA8520E_ATMEL_OK: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: System is ready\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_COMMAND_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Command error / not supported\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_GENERIC_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Generic error\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_FREQUENCY_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Frequency error\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_USAGE_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Usage error\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_OPENING_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Opening error\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_CLOSING_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Closing error\n"); break; case ATA8520E_ATMEL_SEND_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Send error\n"); break; default: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel: Unknown status code '%02X'\n", (status >> 1) & 0x0F); break; } } static void _print_sigfox_status(uint8_t status) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox status: %d\n", status); switch (status) { case ATA8520E_SIGFOX_NO_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox: OK\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX_TX_LEN_TOO_LONG: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox: TX data length exceeds 12 bytes\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX_RX_TIMEOUT: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox: Timeout for downlink message\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX_RX_BIT_TIMEOUT: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox: Timeout for bit downlink\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX2_INIT_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox2: Initialization error\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX2_TX_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox2: Error during send\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX2_RF_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox2: Error in RF frequency\n"); break; case ATA8520E_SIGFOX2_DF_WAIT_ERROR: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox2: Error during wait for data frame\n"); break; default: DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox: Internal error '%02X'\n", status); break; } } static void _irq_handler(void *arg) { (void) arg; ata8520e_t * dev = (ata8520e_t *)arg; DEBUG("[ata8520e] Event received !\n"); dev->event_received = 1; switch (dev->internal_state) { case ATA8520E_STATE_IDLE: DEBUG("[ata8520e] IDLE state\n"); break; case ATA8520E_STATE_INIT: DEBUG("[ata8520e] INIT state\n"); break; case ATA8520E_STATE_TX: DEBUG("[ata8520e] TX state\n"); break; case ATA8520E_STATE_RX: DEBUG("[ata8520e] RX state\n"); break; } } static void _getbus(const ata8520e_t *dev) { if (spi_acquire(SPIDEV, CSPIN, SPI_MODE_0, dev->params.spi_clk) < 0) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] ERROR: Cannot acquire SPI bus!\n"); } } static void _spi_transfer_byte(const ata8520e_t *dev, bool cont, uint8_t out) { /* Manually triggering CS because of a required delay, see datasheet, section 2.1.1, page 10 */ gpio_clear((gpio_t)CSPIN); xtimer_msleep(SPI_CS_DELAY_MS); spi_transfer_byte(SPIDEV, SPI_CS_UNDEF, cont, out); xtimer_msleep(SPI_CS_DELAY_MS); gpio_set((gpio_t)CSPIN); } static void _spi_transfer_bytes(const ata8520e_t *dev, bool cont, const void *out, void *in, size_t len) { /* Manually triggering CS because of a required delay, see datasheet, section 2.1.1, page 10 */ gpio_clear((gpio_t)CSPIN); xtimer_msleep(SPI_CS_DELAY_MS); spi_transfer_bytes(SPIDEV, SPI_CS_UNDEF, cont, out, in, len); xtimer_msleep(SPI_CS_DELAY_MS); gpio_set((gpio_t)CSPIN); } static void _send_command(const ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t command) { _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, false, command); spi_release(SPIDEV); } static void _status(const ata8520e_t *dev) { /* clear the event line and check the device status, see datasheet, section, page 12 */ _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_GET_STATUS); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); /* SSM unused */ uint8_t atmel = spi_transfer_byte(SPIDEV, CSPIN, true, 0); uint8_t sigfox = spi_transfer_byte(SPIDEV, CSPIN, true, 0); uint8_t sigfox2 = spi_transfer_byte(SPIDEV, CSPIN, false, 0); spi_release(SPIDEV); if (IS_ACTIVE(ENABLE_DEBUG)) { _print_atmel_status(atmel); _print_sigfox_status(sigfox); _print_sigfox_status(sigfox2); } else { (void)atmel; (void)sigfox; (void)sigfox2; } } static void _reset(const ata8520e_t *dev) { gpio_set(RESETPIN); xtimer_msleep(10); gpio_clear(RESETPIN); xtimer_msleep(10); gpio_set(RESETPIN); } static void _poweron(const ata8520e_t *dev) { /* power up procedure, see datasheet, section 2.2.1, page 24 */ gpio_set(POWERPIN); _reset(dev); } static void _poweroff(const ata8520e_t *dev) { /* power down procedure, see datasheet, section 2.2.2, page 24 */ _status(dev); gpio_clear(POWERPIN); _send_command(dev, ATA8520E_OFF_MODE); } int ata8520e_init(ata8520e_t *dev, const ata8520e_params_t *params) { /* write config params to device descriptor */ dev->params = *params; /* Initialize pins*/ if (gpio_init_int(INTPIN, GPIO_IN_PD, GPIO_FALLING, _irq_handler, dev) < 0 ) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] ERROR: Interrupt pin not initialized\n"); return -ATA8520E_ERR_GPIO_INT; } if (gpio_init(POWERPIN, GPIO_OUT) < 0) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] ERROR: Power pin not initialized\n"); return -ATA8520E_ERR_GPIO_POWER; } if (gpio_init(RESETPIN, GPIO_OUT) < 0) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] ERROR: Reset pin not initialized\n"); return -ATA8520E_ERR_GPIO_RESET; } dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_INIT; _poweron(dev); /* Initialize SPI bus*/ if (spi_init_cs(dev->params.spi, CSPIN) < 0) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] ERROR: SPI not initialized\n"); return -ATA8520E_ERR_SPI; } xtimer_msleep(100); if (IS_ACTIVE(ENABLE_DEBUG)) { char sigfox_id[SIGFOX_ID_LENGTH + 1]; ata8520e_read_id(dev, sigfox_id); char sigfox_pac[SIGFOX_PAC_LENGTH + 1]; ata8520e_read_pac(dev, sigfox_pac); uint8_t atmel_version[2]; ata8520e_read_atmel_version(dev, atmel_version); char sigfox_version[11]; ata8520e_read_sigfox_version(dev, sigfox_version); DEBUG("[ata8520e] Atmel version: %d.%d\n", atmel_version[0], atmel_version[1]); DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox version: %s\n", sigfox_version); DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox ID: %s\n", sigfox_id); DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sigfox PAC: %s\n", sigfox_pac); } /* clear event line */ _status(dev); dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_IDLE; _poweroff(dev); return ATA8520E_OK; } void ata8520e_system_reset(const ata8520e_t *dev) { _send_command(dev, ATA8520E_SYSTEM_RESET); } void ata8520e_read_atmel_version(const ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t *version) { _poweron(dev); _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_ATMEL_VERSION); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); _spi_transfer_bytes(dev, false, 0, version, 2); spi_release(SPIDEV); _poweroff(dev); } void ata8520e_read_sigfox_version(const ata8520e_t *dev, char *version) { _poweron(dev); _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_SIGFOX_VERSION); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); _spi_transfer_bytes(dev, false, 0, version, 11); spi_release(SPIDEV); _poweroff(dev); } void ata8520e_read_pac(const ata8520e_t *dev, char *pac) { _poweron(dev); uint8_t pac_bytes[SIGFOX_PAC_LENGTH]; _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_GET_PAC); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); _spi_transfer_bytes(dev, false, NULL, pac_bytes, SIGFOX_PAC_LENGTH / 2); spi_release(SPIDEV); fmt_bytes_hex(pac, pac_bytes, SIGFOX_PAC_LENGTH >> 1); pac[SIGFOX_PAC_LENGTH] = '\0'; _poweroff(dev); } void ata8520e_read_id(const ata8520e_t *dev, char *id) { _poweron(dev); uint8_t id_bytes[SIGFOX_ID_LENGTH]; _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_GET_ID); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); _spi_transfer_bytes(dev, false, NULL, id_bytes, SIGFOX_ID_LENGTH); spi_release(SPIDEV); /* create id string (4 hexadecimal values in reversed order) */ fmt_bytes_hex_reverse(id, id_bytes, SIGFOX_ID_LENGTH >> 1); id[SIGFOX_ID_LENGTH] = '\0'; _poweroff(dev); } static void isr_event_timeout(void *arg) { ata8520e_t *dev = (ata8520e_t *)arg; mutex_unlock(&(dev->event_lock)); } static bool _wait_event(ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t timeout) { dev->event_received = 0; xtimer_ticks64_t start_time = xtimer_now64(); xtimer_t event_timer; event_timer.callback = isr_event_timeout; event_timer.arg = dev; xtimer_set(&event_timer, (uint32_t)timeout * US_PER_SEC); /* waiting for the event */ while ((!dev->event_received) && xtimer_less(xtimer_diff32_64(xtimer_now64(), start_time), xtimer_ticks_from_usec(timeout * US_PER_SEC))) { mutex_lock(&(dev->event_lock)); } xtimer_remove(&event_timer); if (dev->event_received == 0) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] event timeout\n"); return true; } return false; } static void _prepare_send_frame(ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t *msg, uint8_t msg_len) { _poweron(dev); xtimer_msleep(5); _status(dev); /* Verify message length */ if (msg_len > SIGFOX_MAX_TX_LENGTH) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Message exceeds the maximum %d characters length " "allowed. It will be truncated.\n", SIGFOX_MAX_TX_LENGTH); msg_len = SIGFOX_MAX_TX_LENGTH; } dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_TX; /* Write message in TX buffer */ DEBUG("[ata8520e] Writing send frame to RX buffer\n"); _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_WRITE_TX_BUFFER); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, msg_len); _spi_transfer_bytes(dev, false, msg, NULL, msg_len); spi_release(SPIDEV); } static int _wait_send(ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t timeout) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] waiting for TX to complete\n"); /* Wait 8s maximum for the message to be sent */ int ret = ATA8520E_OK; if (_wait_event(dev, timeout)) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] failed to send message\n"); ret = -ATA8520E_ERR_EVENT_TIMEOUT; } else { DEBUG("[ata8520e] message sent\n"); } /* Clear event line */ _status(dev); /* back to idle state */ dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_IDLE; return ret; } int ata8520e_send_frame(ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t *msg, uint8_t msg_len) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sending frame '%s', length: %d\n", (char*)msg, msg_len); _prepare_send_frame(dev, msg, msg_len); /* Trigger TX */ _send_command(dev, ATA8520E_SEND_FRAME); int ret = _wait_send(dev, TX_TIMEOUT); /* switch off transceiver before returning */ _poweroff(dev); return ret; } int ata8520e_send_receive_frame(ata8520e_t *dev, uint8_t *msg, uint8_t msg_len, uint8_t *rx_payload) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sending frame '%s', length: %d\n", (char*)msg, msg_len); _prepare_send_frame(dev, msg, msg_len); /* Trigger TX */ _send_command(dev, ATA8520E_SEND_RECEIVE_FRAME); int ret = _wait_send(dev, TX_RX_TIMEOUT); if (ret == -ATA8520E_ERR_EVENT_TIMEOUT) { return ret; } /* Read RX message */ dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_RX; DEBUG("[ata8520e] Reading RX buffer\n"); _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_READ_RX_BUFFER); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, 0); _spi_transfer_bytes(dev, false, NULL, rx_payload, SIGFOX_RX_LENGTH); spi_release(SPIDEV); /* back to idle state */ dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_IDLE; /* switch off transceiver before returning */ _poweroff(dev); return ret; } int ata8520e_send_bit(ata8520e_t *dev, bool bit) { DEBUG("[ata8520e] Sending bit '%d'\n", bit); _poweron(dev); xtimer_msleep(5); _status(dev); dev->internal_state = ATA8520E_STATE_TX; /* Sends the bit */ _getbus(dev); _spi_transfer_byte(dev, true, ATA8520E_SEND_BIT); if (bit) { _spi_transfer_byte(dev, false, 0x01); } else { _spi_transfer_byte(dev, false, 0x00); } spi_release(SPIDEV); int ret = _wait_send(dev, TX_TIMEOUT); /* switch off transceiver before returning */ _poweroff(dev); return ret; }