/* * Copyright (C) 2017 HAW-Hamburg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup pkg_fatfs * @{ * * @file * @brief FatFs wrapper for vfs * * @author Michel Rottleuthner * * @} */ #include #include #include #include /* for struct stat */ #include #include "fs/fatfs.h" #include "kernel_defines.h" /* needed for BUILD_BUG_ON */ #include "time.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include static int fatfs_err_to_errno(int32_t err); static void _fatfs_time_to_timespec(WORD fdate, WORD ftime, time_t *time); /** * @brief Concatenate drive number and path into the buffer provided by fs_desc * * Most FatFs library file operations need an absolute path. */ static void _build_abs_path(fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc, const char *name) { snprintf(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff, FATFS_MAX_ABS_PATH_SIZE, "%u:/%s", fs_desc->vol_idx, name); } static int _mount(vfs_mount_t *mountp) { /* if one of the lines below fail to compile you probably need to adjust vfs buffer sizes ;) */ BUILD_BUG_ON(VFS_DIR_BUFFER_SIZE < sizeof(DIR)); BUILD_BUG_ON(VFS_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE < sizeof(fatfs_file_desc_t)); fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)mountp->private_data; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, ""); memset(&fs_desc->fat_fs, 0, sizeof(fs_desc->fat_fs)); DEBUG("mounting file system of volume '%s'\n", fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff); FRESULT res = f_mount(&fs_desc->fat_fs, fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff, 1); if (res == FR_OK) { DEBUG("[OK]"); } else { DEBUG("[ERROR]"); } return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } static int _umount(vfs_mount_t *mountp) { fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = mountp->private_data; DEBUG("fatfs_vfs.c: _umount: private_data = %p\n", mountp->private_data); _build_abs_path(fs_desc, ""); DEBUG("unmounting file system of volume '%s'\n", fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff); FRESULT res = f_unmount(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff); if (res == FR_OK) { DEBUG("[OK]"); memset(&fs_desc->fat_fs, 0, sizeof(fs_desc->fat_fs)); } else { DEBUG("[ERROR]"); } return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } static int _unlink(vfs_mount_t *mountp, const char *name) { fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)mountp->private_data; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, name); return fatfs_err_to_errno(f_unlink(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff)); } static int _rename(vfs_mount_t *mountp, const char *from_path, const char *to_path) { char fatfs_abs_path_to[FATFS_MAX_ABS_PATH_SIZE]; fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)mountp->private_data; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, from_path); snprintf(fatfs_abs_path_to, sizeof(fatfs_abs_path_to), "%u:/%s", fs_desc->vol_idx, to_path); return fatfs_err_to_errno(f_rename(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff, fatfs_abs_path_to)); } static int _open(vfs_file_t *filp, const char *name, int flags, mode_t mode, const char *abs_path) { fatfs_file_desc_t *fd = (fatfs_file_desc_t *)&filp->private_data.buffer[0]; fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)filp->mp->private_data; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, name); (void) abs_path; (void) mode; /* fatfs can't use mode param with f_open*/ DEBUG("fatfs_vfs.c: _open: private_data = %p, name = %s; flags = 0x%x\n", filp->mp->private_data, name, flags); strncpy(fd->fname, fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff, VFS_NAME_MAX); uint8_t fatfs_flags = 0; if ((flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) { fatfs_flags |= FA_READ; } if ((flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_WRONLY) { fatfs_flags |= FA_WRITE; } if ((flags & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDWR) { fatfs_flags |= (FA_READ | FA_WRITE); } if ((flags & O_APPEND) == O_APPEND) { fatfs_flags |= FA_OPEN_APPEND; } if ((flags & O_TRUNC) == O_TRUNC) { fatfs_flags |= FA_CREATE_ALWAYS; } if ((flags & O_CREAT) == O_CREAT) { if ((flags & O_EXCL) == O_EXCL) { fatfs_flags |= FA_CREATE_NEW; } else { fatfs_flags |= FA_OPEN_ALWAYS; } } else { fatfs_flags |= FA_OPEN_EXISTING; } FRESULT open_resu = f_open(&fd->file, fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff, fatfs_flags); if (open_resu == FR_OK) { DEBUG("[OK]"); } else { DEBUG("[ERROR]"); } DEBUG("fatfs_vfs.c _open: returning fatfserr=%d; errno=%d\n", open_resu, fatfs_err_to_errno(open_resu)); return fatfs_err_to_errno(open_resu); } static int _close(vfs_file_t *filp) { fatfs_file_desc_t *fd = (fatfs_file_desc_t *)filp->private_data.buffer; DEBUG("fatfs_vfs.c: _close: private_data = %p\n", filp->mp->private_data); FRESULT res = f_close(&fd->file); if (res == FR_OK) { DEBUG("[OK]"); } else { DEBUG("[FAILED] (f_close error %d)\n", res); } return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } static ssize_t _write(vfs_file_t *filp, const void *src, size_t nbytes) { fatfs_file_desc_t *fd = (fatfs_file_desc_t *)filp->private_data.buffer; UINT bw; FRESULT res = f_write(&fd->file, src, nbytes, &bw); if (res != FR_OK) { return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } return (ssize_t)bw; } static ssize_t _read(vfs_file_t *filp, void *dest, size_t nbytes) { fatfs_file_desc_t *fd = (fatfs_file_desc_t *)filp->private_data.buffer; UINT br; FRESULT res = f_read(&fd->file, dest, nbytes, &br); if (res != FR_OK) { return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } return (ssize_t)br; } static off_t _lseek(vfs_file_t *filp, off_t off, int whence) { fatfs_file_desc_t *fd = (fatfs_file_desc_t *)filp->private_data.buffer; FRESULT res; off_t new_pos = 0; if (whence == SEEK_SET) { new_pos = off; } else if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { new_pos = f_tell(&fd->file) + off; } else if (whence == SEEK_END) { new_pos = f_size(&fd->file) + off; } else { return fatfs_err_to_errno(FR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } res = f_lseek(&fd->file, new_pos); if (res == FR_OK) { return new_pos; } return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } static int _fstat(vfs_file_t *filp, struct stat *buf) { fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)filp->mp->private_data; FILINFO fi; FRESULT res; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(*buf)); res = f_stat(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff, &fi); if (res != FR_OK) { return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } buf->st_size = fi.fsize; /* set last modification timestamp */ #ifdef SYS_STAT_H _fatfs_time_to_timespec(fi.fdate, fi.ftime, &(buf->st_mtim.tv_sec)); #else _fatfs_time_to_timespec(fi.fdate, fi.ftime, &(buf->st_mtime)); #endif if (fi.fattrib & AM_DIR) { buf->st_mode = S_IFDIR; /**< it's a directory */ } else { buf->st_mode = S_IFREG; /**< it's a regular file */ } /** always grant read access */ buf->st_mode |= (S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (fi.fattrib & AM_RDO) { /** grant write access if file isn't RO*/ buf->st_mode ^= (S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH); } return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } static int _opendir(vfs_DIR *dirp, const char *dirname, const char *abs_path) { DIR *dir = (DIR *)&dirp->private_data.buffer; fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)dirp->mp->private_data; (void) abs_path; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, dirname); return fatfs_err_to_errno(f_opendir(dir, fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff)); } static int _readdir(vfs_DIR *dirp, vfs_dirent_t *entry) { DIR *dir = (DIR *)&dirp->private_data.buffer[0]; FILINFO fi; FRESULT res = f_readdir(dir, &fi); if (res == FR_OK) { if (fi.fname[0] == 0) { return 0; /**< end of dir reached */ } else { entry->d_ino = 0; //TODO: set this properly strncpy(entry->d_name, fi.fname, VFS_NAME_MAX); return 1; } } return fatfs_err_to_errno(res); } static int _closedir(vfs_DIR *dirp) { DIR *dir = (DIR *)&dirp->private_data.buffer[0]; return fatfs_err_to_errno(f_closedir(dir)); } static int _mkdir (vfs_mount_t *mountp, const char *name, mode_t mode) { fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)mountp->private_data; (void) mode; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, name); return fatfs_err_to_errno(f_mkdir(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff)); } static int _rmdir (vfs_mount_t *mountp, const char *name) { fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = (fatfs_desc_t *)mountp->private_data; _build_abs_path(fs_desc, name); return fatfs_err_to_errno(f_unlink(fs_desc->abs_path_str_buff)); } static void _fatfs_time_to_timespec(WORD fdate, WORD ftime, time_t *time) { const uint16_t days_for_month[12] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 }; int year = ((fdate >> 9) & 0x7F) + FATFS_YEAR_OFFSET - EPOCH_YEAR_OFFSET; int month = ((fdate >> 5) & 0x0F) - 1; /**< 0..11 */ int day = (fdate & 0x1F) - 1; /**< 0..31 */ int hour = (ftime >> 11) & 0x1F; /**< 0..23 */ int min = (ftime >> 5) & 0x3F; /**< 0..59 */ int sec = (ftime & 0x1F) * 2; /**< 0..58 */ /* leap years since 1970 */ int leap_years = ((year - 1 - EPOCH_YEAR_OFFSET - 2) / 4) - ((year - 1 - 1900) / 100) + ((year - 1 - 1600) / 400); long days_since_epoch = (year - EPOCH_YEAR_OFFSET) * 365 + days_for_month[month] + leap_years + day; if ((month > 2) && ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)))) { days_since_epoch++; /* add one day if this is a leap year */ } *time = ((((days_since_epoch * 24) + hour) * 60) + min) * 60 + sec; } static int fatfs_err_to_errno(int32_t err) { switch (err) { case FR_OK: return 0; case FR_DISK_ERR: return -EIO; case FR_INT_ERR: return -EIO; case FR_NOT_READY: return -ENODEV; case FR_NO_FILE: return -ENOENT; case FR_NO_PATH: return -ENOENT; case FR_INVALID_NAME: return -ENOENT; case FR_DENIED: return -EACCES; case FR_EXIST: return -EEXIST; case FR_INVALID_OBJECT: #ifdef EBADFD return -EBADFD; #else return -EINVAL; #endif case FR_WRITE_PROTECTED: return -EACCES; case FR_INVALID_DRIVE: return -ENXIO; case FR_NOT_ENABLED: return -ENODEV; case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM: return -ENODEV; case FR_MKFS_ABORTED: return -EINVAL; case FR_TIMEOUT: return -EBUSY; case FR_LOCKED: return -EACCES; case FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE: return -ENOMEM; case FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: return -ENFILE; case FR_INVALID_PARAMETER: return -EINVAL; } return (int) err; } static const vfs_file_system_ops_t fatfs_fs_ops = { .mount = _mount, .umount = _umount, .rename = _rename, .unlink = _unlink, .mkdir = _mkdir, .rmdir = _rmdir, }; static const vfs_file_ops_t fatfs_file_ops = { .open = _open, .close = _close, .read = _read, .write = _write, .lseek = _lseek, .fstat = _fstat, }; static const vfs_dir_ops_t fatfs_dir_ops = { .opendir = _opendir, .readdir = _readdir, .closedir = _closedir, }; const vfs_file_system_t fatfs_file_system = { .fs_op = &fatfs_fs_ops, .f_op = &fatfs_file_ops, .d_op = &fatfs_dir_ops, };