# check some environment variables first ifndef ESP32_SDK_DIR $(info ESP32_SDK_DIR should be defined as /path/to/esp-idf directory) $(info ESP32_SDK_DIR is set by default to /opt/esp/esp-idf) export ESP32_SDK_DIR=/opt/esp/esp-idf endif # DEFAULT compile configuration # FLASH_MODE=[ dout | dio | qout | qio ] # use flash mode dout by default to keep GPIO9 and GPIO10 free for use export FLASH_MODE ?= dout # enable GDBSTUP for debugging on exceptions ifeq ($(ENABLE_GDBSTUB), 1) USEMODULE += esp_gdbstub endif # enable GDB for compilation with debug info ifeq ($(ENABLE_GDB), 1) USEMODULE += esp_gdb endif # enable modules at command line for testing ifneq ($(USE_MODULES), ) USEMODULE += $(USE_MODULES) endif # SPECIAL module dependencies # cannot be done in Makefile.dep since Makefile.dep is included too late ifneq (,$(findstring core_thread_flags,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += pthread endif ifneq (,$(filter cpp,$(FEATURES_USED))) USEMODULE += esp_cxx endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_gdbstub,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += esp_gdb endif ifneq (,$(filter netdev_default gnrc_netdev_default,$(USEMODULE))) # use esp_now as default netdev if no other netdev module is enabled ifeq (,$(filter esp_wifi esp_eth,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += esp_now endif endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_now,$(USEMODULE))) $(eval GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF=$(shell echo $$(($(GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF)+1)))) USEMODULE += esp_wifi_any endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_wifi,$(USEMODULE))) $(eval GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF=$(shell echo $$(($(GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF)+1)))) USEMODULE += esp_wifi_any endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_eth,$(USEMODULE))) $(eval GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF=$(shell echo $$(($(GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF)+1)))) endif ifneq (,$(filter spiffs,$(USEMODULE))) export RIOT_TEST_TIMEOUT = 120 endif ifneq (,$(filter littlefs,$(USEMODULE))) export RIOT_TEST_TIMEOUT = 120 endif ifneq (,$(filter 4 5,$(LOG_LEVEL))) USEMODULE += esp_log_startup endif # ESP32 pseudomodules PSEUDOMODULES += esp_eth_hw PSEUDOMODULES += esp_gdb PSEUDOMODULES += esp_gdbstub PSEUDOMODULES += esp_hw_counter PSEUDOMODULES += esp_i2c_sw PSEUDOMODULES += esp_i2c_hw PSEUDOMODULES += esp_idf_newlib PSEUDOMODULES += esp_log_colored PSEUDOMODULES += esp_log_tagged PSEUDOMODULES += esp_log_startup PSEUDOMODULES += esp_spi_ram PSEUDOMODULES += esp_spiffs PSEUDOMODULES += esp_wifi_any export TARGET_ARCH ?= xtensa-esp32-elf USEMODULE += esp_idf USEMODULE += esp_idf_driver USEMODULE += esp_idf_esp32 USEMODULE += esp_idf_soc USEMODULE += log USEMODULE += newlib USEMODULE += periph USEMODULE += periph_adc_ctrl USEMODULE += periph_hwrng USEMODULE += periph_flash USEMODULE += periph_rtc USEMODULE += periph_uart USEMODULE += riot_freertos USEMODULE += random USEMODULE += stdio_uart USEMODULE += xtensa INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/esp_common/vendor/ INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/ INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/esp32 INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/heap INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/spi_flash INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/vendor/esp-idf/include/tcpip_adapter INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/ INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/driver/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/esp32/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/heap/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/soc/esp32/include INCLUDES += -I$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/soc/include INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTBOARD)/common/$(CPU)/include INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU) # if any WiFi interface is used, the number of priority levels has to be 32 ifneq (,$(filter esp_wifi_any esp_eth,$(USEMODULE))) CFLAGS += -DSCHED_PRIO_LEVELS=32 endif ifneq (,$(filter lwip,$(USEMODULE))) # The thread for handling the WiFi hardware has the priority. The priority # of the lwIP TCP/IP thread should be lower than this priority. CFLAGS += -DTCPIP_THREAD_PRIO=2 endif CFLAGS += -DSDK_NOT_USED -DCONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE=1 -DESP_PLATFORM CFLAGS += -DLOG_TAG_IN_BRACKETS CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter -Wformat=0 CFLAGS += -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -fstrict-volatile-bitfields CFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fzero-initialized-in-bss OPTIONAL_CFLAGS_BLACKLIST += -Wformat-overflow OPTIONAL_CFLAGS_BLACKLIST += -Wformat-truncation OPTIONAL_CFLAGS_BLACKLIST += -gz ASFLAGS += --longcalls --text-section-literals # thin archives trigger a reboot loop - see #12258, #12035, #12346 ARFLAGS = rcs ifneq ($(CONFIGS),) CFLAGS += $(CONFIGS) endif # if any WiFi interface is used, the number of priority levels has to be 32 ifneq (,$(filter esp_wifi_any,$(USEMODULE))) CFLAGS += -DSCHED_PRIO_LEVELS=32 endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_gdb,$(USEMODULE))) CFLAGS += -Og -ggdb -g3 else CFLAGS += -Os endif ifeq ($(QEMU), 1) CFLAGS += -DQEMU endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_log_colored,$(USEMODULE))) BOOTLOADER_COLOR = _colors endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_log_startup,$(USEMODULE))) BOOTLOADER_INFO = _info endif BOOTLOADER_BIN = bootloader$(BOOTLOADER_COLOR)$(BOOTLOADER_INFO).bin # LINKFLAGS += -Wl,--verbose LINKFLAGS += -L$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/esp32 LINKFLAGS += -L$(ESP32_SDK_DIR)/components/esp32/lib ifneq (,$(filter esp_wifi_any,$(USEMODULE))) BASELIBS += -lcore -lrtc -lnet80211 -lpp -lsmartconfig -lcoexist BASELIBS += -lwps -lwpa -lwpa2 -lespnow -lmesh -lphy -lstdc++ endif BASELIBS += -lhal -lg -lc LINKFLAGS += -L$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/ LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.common.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.rom.ld LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ld/esp32.rom.nanofmt.ld LINKFLAGS += -nostdlib -lgcc -Wl,-gc-sections ifneq (,$(filter esp_cxx,$(USEMODULE))) UNDEF += $(BINDIR)/esp_cxx/cxa_guard.o endif ESPTOOL ?= $(RIOTBASE)/dist/tools/esptool/esptool.py # The ELFFILE is the base one used for flashing FLASHFILE ?= $(ELFFILE) # configure preflasher to convert .elf to .bin before flashing FLASH_MODE ?= dout # FIX configuration, DO NOT CHANGE FLASH_FREQ = 40m # FIX configuration, DO NOT CHANGE FLASH_SIZE ?= 2MB PREFLASHER = $(ESPTOOL) PREFFLAGS = --chip esp32 elf2image PREFFLAGS += -fm $(FLASH_MODE) -fs $(FLASH_SIZE) -ff $(FLASH_FREQ) PREFFLAGS += -o $(FLASHFILE).bin $(FLASHFILE); PREFFLAGS += printf "\n" > $(BINDIR)/partitions.csv; PREFFLAGS += printf "nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x6000\n" >> $(BINDIR)/partitions.csv; PREFFLAGS += printf "phy_init, data, phy, 0xf000, 0x1000\n" >> $(BINDIR)/partitions.csv; PREFFLAGS += printf "factory, app, factory, 0x10000, " >> $(BINDIR)/partitions.csv; PREFFLAGS += ls -l $(FLASHFILE).bin | awk '{ print $$5 }' >> $(BINDIR)/partitions.csv; PREFFLAGS += python $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/gen_esp32part.py --disable-sha256sum PREFFLAGS += --verify $(BINDIR)/partitions.csv $(BINDIR)/partitions.bin FLASHDEPS += preflash # flasher configuration ifeq ($(QEMU), 1) FLASHER = dd FFLAGS += if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=4 | tr "\\000" "\\377" > tmp.bin && cat tmp.bin | FFLAGS += head -c $$((0x1000)) | FFLAGS += cat - $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/bin/$(BOOTLOADER_BIN) tmp.bin | FFLAGS += head -c $$((0x8000)) | FFLAGS += cat - $(BINDIR)/partitions.bin tmp.bin | FFLAGS += head -c $$((0x10000)) | FFLAGS += cat - $(FLASHFILE).bin tmp.bin | FFLAGS += head -c $$((0x400000)) > $(BINDIR)/esp32flash.bin && rm tmp.bin && FFLAGS += cp $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/bin/rom_0x3ff90000_0x00010000.bin $(BINDIR)/rom1.bin && FFLAGS += cp $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/bin/rom_0x40000000_0x000c2000.bin $(BINDIR)/rom.bin else export PROGRAMMER_SPEED ?= 460800 FLASHER = $(ESPTOOL) FFLAGS += --chip esp32 -p $(PROG_DEV) -b $(PROGRAMMER_SPEED) FFLAGS += --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash FFLAGS += -z -fm $(FLASH_MODE) -fs detect -ff $(FLASH_FREQ) FFLAGS += 0x1000 $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/bin/$(BOOTLOADER_BIN) FFLAGS += 0x8000 $(BINDIR)/partitions.bin FFLAGS += 0x10000 $(FLASHFILE).bin endif