/* * Copyright (C) 2022 ML!PA Consulting GmbH * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup net_nanocoap * @{ * * @file * @brief nanoCoAP VFS helpers * * @author Benjamin Valentin * * @} */ #include #include "net/nanocoap_vfs.h" #include "net/sock/util.h" #include "vfs.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG 0 #include "debug.h" static int _2file(void *arg, size_t offset, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, int more) { (void)more; int *fd = arg; vfs_lseek(*fd, offset, SEEK_SET); return vfs_write(*fd, buf, len); } static int _prepare_file(const char *dst, char *dst_tmp, size_t len) { /* download to temp file, rename it later */ if (snprintf(dst_tmp, len, "%s.t", dst) > (int)len) { return -ENOBUFS; } return vfs_open(dst_tmp, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644); } static int _finalize_file(int fd, int res, const char *dst, const char *dst_tmp) { vfs_close(fd); /* move file to it's final location */ if (res >= 0) { DEBUG("nanocoap: moving %s to %s\n", dst_tmp, dst); vfs_unlink(dst); res = vfs_rename(dst_tmp, dst); } vfs_unlink(dst_tmp); return res; } int nanocoap_vfs_get(nanocoap_sock_t *sock, const char *path, const char *dst) { int fd, res; char dst_tmp[CONFIG_SOCK_URLPATH_MAXLEN]; fd = _prepare_file(dst, dst_tmp, sizeof(dst_tmp)); if (fd < 0) { return fd; } DEBUG("nanocoap: downloading %s to %s\n", path, dst_tmp); res = nanocoap_sock_get_blockwise(sock, path, CONFIG_NANOCOAP_BLOCKSIZE_DEFAULT, _2file, &fd); return _finalize_file(fd, res, dst, dst_tmp); } int nanocoap_vfs_get_url(const char *url, const char *dst) { int fd, res; char dst_tmp[CONFIG_SOCK_URLPATH_MAXLEN]; fd = _prepare_file(dst, dst_tmp, sizeof(dst_tmp)); if (fd < 0) { return fd; } DEBUG("nanocoap: downloading %s to %s\n", url, dst_tmp); res = nanocoap_get_blockwise_url(url, CONFIG_NANOCOAP_BLOCKSIZE_DEFAULT, _2file, &fd); return _finalize_file(fd, res, dst, dst_tmp); } static int _vfs_put(coap_block_request_t *ctx, const char *file, void *buffer) { int res, fd = vfs_open(file, O_RDONLY, 0644); if (fd < 0) { return fd; } /* buffer is at least one larger than SZX value */ int buffer_len = coap_szx2size(ctx->blksize) + 1; bool more = true; while (more && (res = vfs_read(fd, buffer, buffer_len)) > 0) { more = res == buffer_len; res = nanocoap_sock_block_request(ctx, buffer, res, more, NULL, NULL); if (res < 0) { break; } vfs_lseek(fd, -1, SEEK_CUR); } vfs_close(fd); return res; } int nanocoap_vfs_put(nanocoap_sock_t *sock, const char *path, const char *src, void *work_buf, size_t work_buf_len) { DEBUG("nanocoap: uploading %s to %s\n", src, path); if (work_buf_len < coap_szx2size(0) + 1) { return -ENOBUFS; } coap_block_request_t ctx = { .path = path, .method = COAP_METHOD_PUT, .blksize = coap_size2szx(work_buf_len - 1), .sock = sock, }; return _vfs_put(&ctx, src, work_buf); } int nanocoap_vfs_put_url(const char *url, const char *src, void *work_buf, size_t work_buf_len) { DEBUG("nanocoap: uploading %s to %s\n", src, url); if (work_buf_len < coap_szx2size(0) + 1) { return -ENOBUFS; } nanocoap_sock_t sock; coap_block_request_t ctx; int res = nanocoap_block_request_connect_url(&ctx, &sock, url, COAP_METHOD_PUT, coap_size2szx(work_buf_len - 1)); if (res == 0) { res = _vfs_put(&ctx, src, work_buf); nanocoap_sock_close(&sock); } return res; }