/* * board_init.c - Implementation of functions to init board. * Copyright (C) 2013 Milan Babel * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ #include "cpu.h" #include "board.h" #include "kernel_internal.h" #include "msp430.h" #include "debug.h" volatile static uint32_t __msp430_cpu_speed = MSP430_INITIAL_CPU_SPEED; void msp430_init_dco(void); typedef enum { MCLK_2MHZ_SCLK_1MHZ = 1000002uL, MCLK_4MHZ_SCLK_1MHZ = 1000004uL, MCLK_8MHZ_SCLK_1MHZ = 1000008uL, MCLK_8MHZ_SCLK_8MHZ = 8000000uL }speed_t; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uint8_t calc_umctl(uint16_t br) { // from TI slaa049 register uint8_t CMOD = 256 * br - 256 * (br + 1) / 2; register uint8_t c = 0; register int i = 0; register uint8_t a = CMOD; a <<= 1; do { if( a & 0x80 ) { // Overflow to integer? a = a - 128 + CMOD; // Yes, subtract 1.000000 c |= 0x80; } else { a += CMOD; // No, add fraction } if( i == 7 ) { return c; } i++; c >>= 1; } while(1); } static void msb_ports_init(void) { // Port 1: GDO, Flash, BSL TX P1SEL = 0x02; // Port1 Select: 00000010 = 0x02 P1OUT = 0x00; // Port1 Output: 00000000 = 0x00 P1DIR = 0x87; // Port1 Direction: 10000111 = 0x87 // Port 2: GPIO, BSL RX, 1wire P2SEL = 0x04; // Port2 Select: 00000100 = 0x04 P2OUT = 0x00; // Port2 Output: 00000000 = 0x00 P2DIR = 0xFF; // Port2 Direction: 11111111 = 0xFF // Port 3: UART P3SEL = 0xFE; // Port3 Select: 11111110 = 0xFE P3OUT = 0x00; // Port3 Output: 00000000 = 0x00 P3DIR = 0xFF; // Port3 Direction: 11111111 = 0xFF // Port 4: CS P4SEL = 0x00; // Port4 Select: 00000000 = 0x00 P4OUT = 0x14; // Port4 Output: 00010100 = 0x14 P4DIR = 0xFF; // Port4 Direction: 11111111 = 0xFF // Port 5: SPI, LED P5SEL = 0x0E; // Port5 Select: 00001110 = 0x0E P5OUT = 0x70; // Port5 Output: 01110000 = 0x70 P5DIR = 0x70; // Port5 Direction: 01110000 = 0x70 P6SEL = 0xFF; // Port6 Select: 11111111 = 0xFF P6OUT = 0x00; // Port6 Output: 00000000 = 0x00 P6DIR = 0xFF; // Port6 Direction: 11111000 = 0xF8 } void msp430_set_cpu_speed(uint32_t speed) { dint(); __msp430_cpu_speed = speed; msp430_init_dco(); uint16_t br; U0CTL = SWRST; U0CTL = SWRST | CHAR; // 8-bit character U0TCTL = SSEL1 | TXEPT; // UCLK = SCLK U0RCTL = 0; // activate ME1 |= UTXE0 + URXE0; // Enable USART0 TXD/RXD br = (uint16_t)((__msp430_cpu_speed & 0xFFFFF0) / 115200uL); UBR00 = br; // set baudrate UBR10 = br>>8; UMCTL0 = calc_umctl(br); // set modulation U0CTL &= ~SWRST; //URCTL0 |= URXEIE; // allow chars to interrupt IE1 |= URXIE0; // enable rx interrupt IFG1 &= ~UTXIFG0; eint(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void msp430_init_dco(void) { /*----------------------- use external oszillator -------------------------*/ uint16_t i; // Stop watchdog WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; BCSCTL1 = RSEL2; // Wait for xtal to stabilize do { IFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear oscillator fault flag for (i = 0xFF; i > 0; i--); // Time for flag to set } while ((IFG1 & OFIFG) != 0); // Oscillator fault flag still set? switch (__msp430_cpu_speed) { case MCLK_2MHZ_SCLK_1MHZ: BCSCTL2 = (SELM_2 | DIVM_2) | (SELS | DIVS_3); break; case MCLK_4MHZ_SCLK_1MHZ: BCSCTL2 = (SELM_2 | DIVM_1) | (SELS | DIVS_3); break; case MCLK_8MHZ_SCLK_1MHZ: BCSCTL2 = SELM_2 | (SELS | DIVS_3); break; default: BCSCTL2 = SELM_2 + SELS; // MCLK and SMCLK = XT2 (safe) break; } } void board_init(void) { msp430_cpu_init(); msb_ports_init(); LED_RED_ON; msp430_set_cpu_speed(MCLK_8MHZ_SCLK_8MHZ); }