/* * Copyright (C) 2019 HAW Hamburg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ #include #include "embUnit.h" #include "tests-credman.h" #include "credentials.h" #include "net/credman.h" #define CREDMAN_TEST_TAG (1) static int _compare_credentials(const credman_credential_t *a, const credman_credential_t *b) { if ((a->tag == b->tag) && (a->type == b->type)) { return 0; } return -1; } static void set_up(void) { /* reset credential pool before every test */ credman_reset(); } static void test_credman_add(void) { int ret; unsigned exp_count = 0; psk_params_t exp_psk_params = { .id = { .s = (void *)"RIOTer", .len = sizeof("RIOTer") - 1, }, .key = { .s = (void *)"LGPLisyourfriend", .len = sizeof("LGPLisyourfriend") - 1, }, }; credman_credential_t credential = { .tag = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG, .type = CREDMAN_TYPE_PSK, .params = { .psk = exp_psk_params, }, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* add one credential */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&credential)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(++exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* add duplicate credential */ ret = credman_add(&credential); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_EXIST, ret); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* add invalid credential params */ memset(&credential.params.psk, 0, sizeof(psk_params_t)); ret = credman_add(&credential); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_INVALID, ret); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* fill the pool */ memcpy(&credential.params.psk, &exp_psk_params, sizeof(psk_params_t)); while (credman_get_used_count() < CONFIG_CREDMAN_MAX_CREDENTIALS) { /* increase tag number so that it is not recognized as duplicate */ credential.tag++; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&credential)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(++exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); } /* add to full pool */ credential.tag++; ret = credman_add(&credential); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_NO_SPACE, ret); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); } static void test_credman_get(void) { int ret; credman_credential_t out_credential; credman_credential_t in_credential = { .tag = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG, .type = CREDMAN_TYPE_ECDSA, .params = { .ecdsa = { .private_key = ecdsa_priv_key, .public_key = { .x = ecdsa_pub_key_x, .y = ecdsa_pub_key_y }, .client_keys = NULL, .client_keys_size = 0, }, }, }; /* get non-existing credential */ ret = credman_get(&out_credential, in_credential.tag, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_NOT_FOUND, ret); ret = credman_add(&in_credential); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, ret); ret = credman_get(&out_credential, in_credential.tag, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT(!_compare_credentials(&in_credential, &out_credential)); } static void test_credman_delete(void) { int ret; unsigned exp_count = 0; credman_credential_t out_credential; credman_credential_t in_credential = { .tag = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG, .type = CREDMAN_TYPE_ECDSA, .params = { .ecdsa = { .private_key = ecdsa_priv_key, .public_key = { .x = ecdsa_pub_key_x, .y = ecdsa_pub_key_y }, .client_keys = NULL, .client_keys_size = 0, }, }, }; /* delete non-existing credential */ credman_delete(in_credential.tag, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* add a credential */ ret = credman_add(&in_credential); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, ret); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(++exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* delete a credential from credential pool */ credman_delete(in_credential.tag, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(--exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); /* get the deleted credential */ ret = credman_get(&out_credential, in_credential.tag, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_NOT_FOUND, ret); /* delete a deleted credential */ credman_delete(in_credential.tag, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(exp_count, credman_get_used_count()); } static void test_credman_delete_random_order(void) { credman_tag_t tag1 = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG; credman_tag_t tag2 = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG + 1; credman_credential_t out_credential; credman_credential_t in_credential = { .tag = tag1, .type = CREDMAN_TYPE_ECDSA, .params = { .ecdsa = { .private_key = ecdsa_priv_key, .public_key = { .x = ecdsa_pub_key_x, .y = ecdsa_pub_key_y }, .client_keys = NULL, .client_keys_size = 0, }, }, }; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(0, credman_get_used_count()); /* fill the credential pool, assume CONFIG_CREDMAN_MAX_CREDENTIALS is 2 */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&in_credential)); in_credential.tag = tag2; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&in_credential)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(2, credman_get_used_count()); /* delete the first credential */ credman_delete(tag1, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(1, credman_get_used_count()); /* get the second credential */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_get(&out_credential, tag2, in_credential.type)); TEST_ASSERT(!_compare_credentials(&in_credential, &out_credential)); } static void test_credman_add_delete_all(void) { credman_tag_t tag1 = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG; credman_tag_t tag2 = CREDMAN_TEST_TAG + 1; credman_credential_t in_credential = { .tag = tag1, .type = CREDMAN_TYPE_ECDSA, .params = { .ecdsa = { .private_key = ecdsa_priv_key, .public_key = { .x = ecdsa_pub_key_x, .y = ecdsa_pub_key_y }, .client_keys = NULL, .client_keys_size = 0, }, }, }; /* add credentials */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&in_credential)); in_credential.tag = tag2; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&in_credential)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(2, credman_get_used_count()); /* delete starting from first added credential */ credman_delete(tag1, in_credential.type); credman_delete(tag2, in_credential.type); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(0, credman_get_used_count()); /* re-add the credentials after deletion */ in_credential.tag = tag1; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&in_credential)); in_credential.tag = tag2; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(CREDMAN_OK, credman_add(&in_credential)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(2, credman_get_used_count()); } Test *tests_credman_tests(void) { EMB_UNIT_TESTFIXTURES(fixtures) { new_TestFixture(test_credman_add), new_TestFixture(test_credman_get), new_TestFixture(test_credman_delete), new_TestFixture(test_credman_delete_random_order), new_TestFixture(test_credman_add_delete_all), }; EMB_UNIT_TESTCALLER(credman_tests, set_up, NULL, fixtures); return (Test *)&credman_tests; } void tests_credman(void) { TESTS_RUN(tests_credman_tests()); }