# About This is a manual test application for the FT5x06 touch device driver. # Usage The test application initializes the FT5x06 touch device and then waits for touch events by using interrupts by default. When touch events occur, the application generates output like the following: ``` +------------Initializing------------+ Initialization successful 1 touch detected Touch 1 - X: 203, Y:156 Touch 1 - X: 204, Y:157 Touch 1 - X: 204, Y:157 Touch 1 - X: 206, Y:158 Touch 1 - X: 210, Y:159 Touch 1 - X: 210, Y:159 Touch 1 - X: 218, Y:160 Released! ``` To use the touch device in polling mode, the environment variable `FT5X06_POLLING_MODE` must be set to 1. The polling period in milliseconds is defined by the environment variable `FT5X06_POLLING_PERIOD`. It is 50 ms by default. It can be changed by setting the environment variable `FT5X06_POLLING_PERIOD` in the make command, for example: ``` FT5X06_POLLING_MODE=1 FT5X06_POLLING_PERIOD=100 BOARD=... make -C tests/drivers/touch_dev flash term ```