/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Mesotic SAS * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more * details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_sam0_common * @{ * * @file * @brief Low-level Ethernet driver implementation * * @author Dylan Laduranty * * @} */ #include #include "iolist.h" #include "mii.h" #include "net/gnrc/netif/ethernet.h" #include "net/gnrc.h" #include "net/ethernet.h" #include "net/netdev/eth.h" #include "net/eui_provider.h" #include "periph/gpio.h" #include "ztimer.h" #include "sam0_eth_netdev.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG 0 #include "debug.h" #include "log.h" /** * @brief Link auto-negotiation timeout */ #ifndef CONFIG_SAM0_ETH_LINK_TIMEOUT_MS #define CONFIG_SAM0_ETH_LINK_TIMEOUT_MS (5 * MS_PER_SEC) #endif /* Internal helpers */ extern int sam0_eth_init(void); extern void sam0_eth_poweron(void); extern void sam0_eth_poweroff(void); extern int sam0_eth_send(const struct iolist *iolist); extern int sam0_eth_receive_blocking(char *data, unsigned max_len); extern bool sam0_eth_has_queued_pkt(void); extern void sam0_eth_set_mac(const eui48_t *mac); extern void sam0_eth_get_mac(char *out); extern void sam0_clear_rx_buffers(void); extern unsigned sam0_read_phy(uint8_t phy, uint8_t addr); extern void sam0_write_phy(uint8_t phy, uint8_t addr, uint16_t data); static void _restart_an(void *ctx); /* SAM0 CPUs only have one GMAC IP, so it is safe to statically defines one in this file */ static sam0_eth_netdev_t _sam0_eth_dev; /* auto-negotiation timeout timer */ static ztimer_t _phy_tim = { .callback = _restart_an }; /* PHY interrupt status register */ static uint16_t _phy_irq; static inline bool _get_link_status(void) { return sam0_read_phy(0, MII_BMSR) & MII_BMSR_LINK; } static void _restart_an(void *ctx) { (void)ctx; sam0_write_phy(0, MII_IRQ, MII_IRQ_EN_LPA_ACK); sam0_write_phy(0, MII_BMCR, MII_BMCR_AN_RESTART | MII_BMCR_AN_ENABLE | MII_BMCR_SPEED_100 | MII_BMCR_FULL_DPLX); } static void _phy_isr(void *ctx) { (void)ctx; _phy_irq = sam0_read_phy(0, MII_IRQ); netdev_trigger_event_isr(_sam0_eth_dev.netdev); } static void _handle_phy_irq(uint16_t irq) { netdev_t *netdev = _sam0_eth_dev.netdev; if (irq & MII_IRQ_LINK_DOWN) { DEBUG_PUTS("[sam0_eth]: link down"); if (IS_USED(MODULE_ZTIMER_MSEC)) { ztimer_remove(ZTIMER_MSEC, &_phy_tim); } /* only listen for link partner ACK events now */ sam0_write_phy(0, MII_IRQ, MII_IRQ_EN_LPA_ACK); netdev->event_callback(netdev, NETDEV_EVENT_LINK_DOWN); return; } if (irq & MII_IRQ_LINK_UP) { DEBUG_PUTS("[sam0_eth]: link up"); uint16_t adv = sam0_read_phy(0, MII_ADVERTISE); uint16_t lpa = sam0_read_phy(0, MII_LPA); if (IS_USED(MODULE_ZTIMER_MSEC)) { ztimer_remove(ZTIMER_MSEC, &_phy_tim); } uint32_t ncfgr = GMAC->NCFGR.reg & ~(GMAC_NCFGR_FD | GMAC_NCFGR_MTIHEN); if ((adv & MII_ADVERTISE_100) && (lpa & MII_LPA_100)) { /* 100 Mbps */ ncfgr |= GMAC_NCFGR_SPD; } if ((adv & MII_ADVERTISE_10_F) && (lpa & MII_LPA_10_F)) { /* full duplex */ ncfgr |= GMAC_NCFGR_FD; } GMAC->NCFGR.reg = ncfgr; netdev->event_callback(netdev, NETDEV_EVENT_LINK_UP); return; } if (irq & MII_IRQ_LPA_ACK) { DEBUG_PUTS("[sam0_eth]: link partner present"); /* if we don't succeed, restart auto-negotiation in 5s */ if (IS_USED(MODULE_ZTIMER_MSEC)) { ztimer_set(ZTIMER_MSEC, &_phy_tim, CONFIG_SAM0_ETH_LINK_TIMEOUT_MS); } /* we only care about link up / down events now */ sam0_write_phy(0, MII_IRQ, MII_IRQ_EN_LINK_UP | MII_IRQ_EN_LINK_DOWN); return; } DEBUG("[sam0_eth]: unexpected PHY IRQ: %x\n", irq); } static inline void _setup_phy_irq(gpio_cb_t cb, void *arg) { gpio_init_int(sam_gmac_config[0].int_pin, GPIO_IN, GPIO_FALLING, cb, arg); } static int _sam0_eth_init(netdev_t *netdev) { sam0_eth_init(); eui48_t hwaddr; netdev_eui48_get(netdev, &hwaddr); sam0_eth_set_mac(&hwaddr); /* wait for PHY to be ready */ while (MII_BMCR_RESET & sam0_read_phy(0, MII_BMCR)) {} _setup_phy_irq(_phy_isr, NULL); _restart_an(NULL); return 0; } static void _sam0_eth_isr(netdev_t *netdev) { if (_phy_irq) { uint16_t tmp = _phy_irq; _phy_irq = 0; _handle_phy_irq(tmp); return; } netdev->event_callback(netdev, NETDEV_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE); return; } static int _sam0_eth_recv(netdev_t *netdev, void *buf, size_t len, void *info) { (void)info; (void)netdev; unsigned ret = sam0_eth_receive_blocking((char *)buf, len); /* frame received, check if another frame is queued */ if (buf && sam0_eth_has_queued_pkt()) { netdev_trigger_event_isr(netdev); } return ret; } static int _sam0_eth_send(netdev_t *netdev, const iolist_t *iolist) { int ret; netdev->event_callback(netdev, NETDEV_EVENT_TX_STARTED); ret = sam0_eth_send(iolist); if (ret == -EOVERFLOW) { /* TODO: use a specific netdev callback here ? */ return -EOVERFLOW; } return ret; } static int _sam0_eth_confirm_send(netdev_t *netdev, void *info) { (void)netdev; (void)info; uint32_t tsr = GMAC->TSR.reg; GMAC->TSR.reg = tsr; /* clear flags */ /* transmit is active */ if (tsr & GMAC_TSR_TXGO) { return -EAGAIN; } /* Retry Limit Exceeded */ if (tsr & GMAC_TSR_RLE) { return -EBUSY; } /* Transmit Frame Corruption, Collision Occurred */ if (tsr & (GMAC_TSR_TFC | GMAC_TSR_COL)) { return -EIO; } extern unsigned _sam0_eth_get_last_len(void); return _sam0_eth_get_last_len(); } static int _sam0_eth_get(netdev_t *netdev, netopt_t opt, void *val, size_t max_len) { int res = -1; switch (opt) { case NETOPT_ADDRESS: assert(max_len >= ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN); sam0_eth_get_mac((char *)val); res = ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN; break; case NETOPT_LINK: assert(max_len == sizeof(netopt_enable_t)); *(netopt_enable_t *)val = _get_link_status(); res = sizeof(netopt_enable_t); break; default: res = netdev_eth_get(netdev, opt, val, max_len); break; } return res; } static int _set_state(netopt_state_t state) { switch (state) { case NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP: if (IS_USED(MODULE_ZTIMER_MSEC)) { ztimer_remove(ZTIMER_MSEC, &_phy_tim); } sam0_eth_poweroff(); _sam0_eth_dev.netdev->event_callback(_sam0_eth_dev.netdev, NETDEV_EVENT_LINK_DOWN); break; case NETOPT_STATE_IDLE: sam0_eth_poweron(); _restart_an(NULL); break; default: return -ENOTSUP; } return sizeof(netopt_state_t); } static int _sam0_eth_set(netdev_t *netdev, netopt_t opt, const void *val, size_t max_len) { int res = -1; switch (opt) { case NETOPT_ADDRESS: assert(max_len >= ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN); sam0_eth_set_mac((eui48_t *)val); res = ETHERNET_ADDR_LEN; break; case NETOPT_STATE: assert(max_len <= sizeof(netopt_state_t)); return _set_state(*((const netopt_state_t *)val)); default: res = netdev_eth_set(netdev, opt, val, max_len); break; } return res; } static const netdev_driver_t _sam0_eth_driver = { .send = _sam0_eth_send, .confirm_send = _sam0_eth_confirm_send, .recv = _sam0_eth_recv, .init = _sam0_eth_init, .isr = _sam0_eth_isr, .get = _sam0_eth_get, .set = _sam0_eth_set, }; void sam0_eth_setup(netdev_t* netdev) { DEBUG_PUTS("[sam0_eth]: initializing SAM0 Ethernet MAC (GMAC) device"); _sam0_eth_dev.netdev = netdev; /* set the netdev driver */ netdev->driver = &_sam0_eth_driver; /* Register SAM0 Ethernet to netdev */ netdev_register(netdev, NETDEV_SAM0_ETH, 0); } void isr_gmac(void) { uint32_t isr; uint32_t rsr; netdev_t* netdev = _sam0_eth_dev.netdev; isr = GMAC->ISR.reg; rsr = GMAC->RSR.reg; /* TX done, signal it to netdev */ if (isr & GMAC_ISR_TCOMP) { netdev->event_callback(netdev, NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE); } /* New frame received, signal it to netdev */ if (rsr & GMAC_RSR_REC) { netdev_trigger_event_isr(netdev); } /* Buffers Not Available, this can occur if there is a heavy traffic on the network. In this case, disable the GMAC reception, flush our internal buffers and re-enable the reception. This will drop a few packets but it allows the GMAC IP to remains functional */ if (rsr & GMAC_RSR_BNA) { GMAC->NCR.reg &= ~GMAC_NCR_RXEN; sam0_clear_rx_buffers(); GMAC->NCR.reg |= GMAC_NCR_RXEN; } GMAC->RSR.reg = rsr; cortexm_isr_end(); }