The DAC can have some start-up delay.
If we try to write to it before it's ready, it will get stuck.
This happens now that `tests/driver_dac_dds` immediately sets a DAC
value after init.
The samd2x class of MCUs doesn't have this bit, but a quick test on
samd10 shows that it might not be nececary there - the DAC does not
get stuck when writing to it immediately after init.
The sam0 MCUs all have a DAC peripheral.
The DAC has a resulution of 10 or 12 bits and can have one or two
output channels.
The output pins are always hard-wired to PA2 for DAC0 and PA5 for DAC1
if it exists.
On the same54-xpro I would only get a max value of ~1V when using the
internal reference, so I configured it to use an external voltage reference.
The external reference pin is hard-wired to PA3, so you'll have to connect
that to 3.3V to get results.