cpu/esp_common/syscalls.c💯 error (memleak): Memory leak: mtx
cpu/esp_common/syscalls.c:131: error (memleak): Memory leak: rmtx
cpu/esp_common/syscalls.c:365: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp_common/thread_arch.c:355: error (comparePointers): Comparing pointers that point to different objects
cpu/esp8266/startup.c:59: error (comparePointers): Subtracting pointers that point to different objects
Startup information, including board configuration, is only printed when module esp_log_startup is used. This reduces the amount of information that is printed by default to the console during the startup. The user can enable module esp_log_startup to get the additional startup information.
Calling the initialization function ensures that the dummy lwIP library is used instead of the real lwIP, even if the esp_wifi module for esp8266 is not used.