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# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2009, Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB). All rights reserved.
# These sources were developed at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Computer
# Systems and Telematics group (http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of FeuerWare.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# FeuerWare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For further information and questions please use the web site
# http://scatterweb.mi.fu-berlin.de
# and the mailinglist (subscription via web site)
# scatterweb@lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de
# ******************************************************************************
# $Id$
# OS specifics
if $(NT) {
SLASH = \\ ;
CAT = type ;
NOARSCAN = true ;
# redefine build rules for gcc on NT
SUFOBJ = .o ;
SUFLIB = .a ;
actions As
$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $(ASHDRS) -o $(<) $(>)
actions Cc
$(CC) -c -o $(<) $(CCFLAGS) -D$(MODULE_DEFINES) $(CCDEFS) $(CCHDRS) $(>)
rule FDefines { return -D$(<) ; }
rule FIncludes { return -I$(<) ; }
} else {
NULLDEV = /dev/null ;
CAT = cat ;
RM = rm -rf ;
# use english language output for gcc
actions Cc
switch $(OS) {
case CYGWIN :
# archive scanning does not work on cygwin, so leave object files
NOARSCAN = true ;
# Plausbility checks and defaults
SUFEXE = .elf ;
# Rules and Actions
# Concatenates path-segments into a OS specific path string
# Usage: PATH = [ FPath path-segments ] ;
rule FPath
return $(<:J=$(SLASH)) ;
# Generate object archive
actions updated together piecemeal Archive
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(<) $(>)
# Link target
rule Link
# add map file
Clean clean : $(<:S=.map) ;
# generation of hex file
Hexfile $(<:S=.hex) : $(<) ;
actions Link bind NEEDLIBS
echo "Old firmware size:"
$(TOOLCHAIN)size $(<) 2> $(NULLDEV) || echo " No old binary for size comparison..."
$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $(<) $(UNDEFS) $(>) -Wl,--start-group $(NEEDLIBS) $(LINKLIBS) -lm -Wl,--end-group -Wl,-Map=$(<:S=.map) || $(RM) -f $(<) $(<:S=.map) $(<:S=.hex)
echo "New firmware size:"
$(TOOLCHAIN)size $(<)
# Clean binaries
actions piecemeal together existing Clean
# remove all jam targets
$(RM) $(>)
# Clean binaries regardless of project and board
rule Cleanall { }
actions Cleanall
echo "> Cleaning binaries"
$(RM) bin$(SLASH)*
# make -C $(TOP)$(SLASH)doc clean
# Display usage text from manual
rule Help { }
actions Help
$(CAT) $(TOP)$(SLASH)doc$(SLASH)src$(SLASH)manual$(SLASH)examples$(SLASH)jam-usage.txt
# Compile documentation
rule Doc { }
actions Doc
make -C $(TOP)$(SLASH)doc all
# Generate hex-file from binary
rule Hexfile
MakeLocate $(<) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
Clean clean : $(<) ;
actions Hexfile
$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $(>) $(<)
# Program binary to target device
rule Flash
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
actions Flash
2010-09-28 17:22:13 +02:00
# Run all tests for active project
rule Test
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
actions Test
2010-11-26 15:21:00 +01:00
export PORT=$(PORT); for tst in projects/$(PROJECT)/tests/*; do $tst; done
2010-09-28 17:22:13 +02:00
# Reset connected sensor node
actions Reset
$(RESET) > /dev/null 2>&1
# run a terminal
actions Terminal
# Run debug server
rule Debug
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
actions Debug
$(GDB) $(GDBFLAGS) $(>)
# Rules for convenient module building & dependency tracking
rule Module
local _m = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
# echo Module Name: $(<) Files: $(>) Dependencies: $(3) ;
ModuleFromObjects $(<) : $(>:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
ObjectsNoDep $(>) ;
ModuleDepends $(_m) : $(3) ;
if $(_m) in $(USE_MODULES) {
UseModule $(_m) ;
# Add a pre-built library as module
# Syntax: BinModule <Module Name = $(<)> ;
rule BinModule
local _m = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
ModuleDepends $(_m) : $(3) ;
if $(_m) in $(USE_MODULES) {
UseModule $(_m) ;
rule ModuleDepends
local _m = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
local _d = $(>:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
# for DEP in $(_d) {
Depends $(_m) : $(_d) ;
DEPENDS.$(_m) += $(_d) ;
# }
rule UseModule
local _m = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
if $(_m) in $(BINARY_MODULES) {
local _l _s ;
_l = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ; # name of the library file
_s = [ FGristFiles $(_l) ] ; # source
MakeLocate $(_l) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ; # locate to bin directory
File $(TARGET_DIR)/$(_l) : $(_s) ;
# echo UseModule $(<) ;
if ! $(_m) in $(DEFINED_MODULES) {
# echo Module not defined yet. ;
USE_MODULES += $(_m) ;
} else {
LinkLibraries $(TARGET) : $(<) ;
local _mdefine = MODULE_$(_m:S=:U) ;
if ! $(_mdefine) in $(MODULE_DEFINES) {
MODULE_DEFINES += $(_mdefine) ;
# echo Dependencies of $(_m): $(DEPENDS.$(_m)) ;
for DEP in $(DEPENDS.$(_m)) {
UseModule $(DEP) ;
# (slightly modified version of LibraryFromObjects)
rule ModuleFromObjects
local _i _l _s ;
# Add grist to file names
_s = [ FGristFiles $(>) ] ;
_l = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
# Set LOCATE for the library and its contents. The bound
# value shows up as $(NEEDLIBS) on the Link actions.
# For compatibility, we only do this if the library doesn't
# already have a path.
if ! $(_l:D)
MakeLocate $(_l) $(_l)($(_s:BS)) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
# If we can't scan the library to timestamp its contents,
# we have to just make the library depend directly on the
# on-disk object files.
Depends $(_l) : $(_s) ;
# If we can scan the library, we make the library depend
# on its members and each member depend on the on-disk
# object file.
Depends $(_l) : $(_l)($(_s:BS)) ;
for _i in $(_s)
Depends $(_l)($(_i:BS)) : $(_i) ;
Clean clean : $(_l) ;
if $(CRELIB) { CreLib $(_l) : $(_s[1]) ; }
Archive $(_l) : $(_s) ;
if $(RANLIB) { Ranlib $(_l) ; }
# If we can't scan the library, we have to leave the .o's around.
if ! ( $(NOARSCAN) || $(NOARUPDATE) ) { RmTemps $(_l) : $(_s) ; }
# Like Objects, but doesn't set dependencies on obj pѕeudotarget.
rule ObjectsNoDep
local _i ;
for _i in [ FGristFiles $(<) ]
Object $(_i:S=$(SUFOBJ)) : $(_i) ;
actions ListModules {
echo $(MODULE_DEFINES) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort
actions ShowFlags {
echo "CCFLAGS: "
echo $(CCFLAGS) $(CCDEFS) -D$(MODULE_DEFINES) | tr ' ' '\n ' | sort
echo "" | $(CC) -E -dD -