2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2019 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
* directory for more details.
* @defgroup drivers_ina3221 INA3221 current/power monitor
* @ingroup drivers_sensors
2021-02-01 13:39:17 +01:00
* @ingroup drivers_saul
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @brief Device driver for Texas Instruments INA3221
* three-channel ,high-side current and bus voltage
* monitor
* @{
* @file
* @brief Device driver interface for Texas Instruments INA3221
* three-channel ,high-side current and bus voltage
* monitor.
* The alert pins WRN, CRT, TC, PV are open drain
* output pins, so they should be pulled high with
* internal or external pull-ups. They pull low, if
* the alert condition becomes true. If they become
* pulled low, the configured input pins in
* @see ina3221_params_t will read a low flank and
* the related interrupt callback will be executed,
* if configured with @see ina3221_enable_alert.
* WRN condition:
* Any channel´s measured shunt
* voltage drop was higher than the configured value in
* CRT condition:
* Any channel´s measured shunt
* voltage drop was higher than the configured value in
* or the sum of all channel´s voltage drops was higher
* than the configured value in
* sum of voltage drops only makes sense, if all
* channels are using the same shunt resistance value!
* TC condition:
* After a 1.2-V level is detected on channel 1, if the
* INA3221 does not detecta 1.2-V value or greater on
* the bus voltage measurement following four complete
* cycles of all three channels, the timing control
* (TC)alert pin pulls low.
* PV condition:
* If any channel´s measured bus voltage was not within
* the configured values in INA3221_REG_PV_LOWER_LIMIT
* and INA3221_REG_PV_UPPER_LIMIT, the PV pin is pulled
* low.
* For all enabled channels (1 <= i <= INA3221_NUM_CH),
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* the time to complete a full measurement cycle is:
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* num_samples * (shunt_conv_time_ch_i + bus_voltage_conv_time_ch_i)
* @author Fabian Hüßler <fabian.huessler@ovgu.de>
#ifndef INA3221_H
#define INA3221_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "periph/gpio.h"
#include "periph/i2c.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define INA3221_NUM_CH (3) /**< Number of channels */
#define INA3221_NUM_ALERTS (4) /**< Number of alerts */
* @brief INA3221 alert callback for alert pins
typedef void (*ina3221_alert_cb_t)(void *arg);
* @brief Return codes
typedef enum ina3221_ret_val {
INA3221_OK, /**< Everything is fine */
INA3221_I2C_ERROR, /**< I2C bus acquirenment failed */
INA3221_BAD_MANUF_ID, /**< Read device manufacturer ID failed */
INA3221_BAD_DIE_ID, /**< Read device DIE ID failed */
INA3221_RESET_FAILED, /**< Device reset failed */
INA3221_CONFIG_FAILED /**< Device configuration failed */
} ina3221_ret_val_t;
* @brief I2C device addresses
typedef enum ina3221_dev_addr {
INA3221_ADDR_00 = 0x40, /**< A0 connected to GND */
INA3221_ADDR_01 = 0x41, /**< A0 connected to VS */
INA3221_ADDR_10 = 0x42, /**< A0 connected to SDA */
INA3221_ADDR_11 = 0x43, /**< A0 connected to SCL */
} ina3221_dav_addr_t;
* @brief Channel flags
typedef enum ina3221_channel {
INA3221_CH1 = (1 << 0), /**< Channel 1 */
INA3221_CH2 = (1 << 1), /**< Channel 2 */
INA3221_CH3 = (1 << 2) /**< Channel 3 */
} ina3221_channel_t;
* @brief Alert indices
typedef enum ina3221_alert {
INA3221_ALERT_WRN = 0, /**< Warning alert */
INA3221_ALERT_CRT = 1, /**< Critical alert */
INA3221_ALERT_TC = 2, /**< Timing control */
INA3221_ALERT_PV = 3 /**< Power valid alert */
} ina3221_alert_t;
* @brief Device operation modes
typedef enum ina3221_mode {
INA3221_MODE_POWER_DOWN = 0x0000, /**< Sleep mode */
INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_SHUNT_ONLY = 0x0001, /**< Trigger shunt voltage measurement only */
INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_BUS_ONLY = 0x0002, /**< Trigger bus voltage measurement only */
INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_SHUNT_BUS = 0x0003, /**< Trigger shunt and bus voltage measurement */
INA3221_MODE_POWER_DOWN_ = 0x0004, /**< Also power down (see datasheet)*/
INA3221_MODE_CONTINUOUS_SHUNT_ONLY = 0x0005, /**< Continuous shunt voltage measurement only*/
INA3221_MODE_CONTINUOUS_BUS_ONLY = 0x0006, /**< Continuous bus voltage measurement only*/
INA3221_MODE_CONTINUOUS_SHUNT_BUS = 0x0007 /**< Continuous shunt and bus voltage measurement */
} ina3221_mode_t;
#define INA3221_MODE_MASK (0x0007) /**< Device operation mode bit mask */
* @brief ADC shunt voltage conversion times
typedef enum ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc {
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_140US = 0x0000, /**< 140 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_204US = 0x0008, /**< 204 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_332US = 0x0010, /**< 332 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_588US = 0x0018, /**< 588 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_1100US = 0x0020, /**< 1100 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_2116US = 0x0028, /**< 2116 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_4156US = 0x0030, /**< 4156 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_8244US = 0x0038 /**< 8244 us */
} ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc_t;
#define INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_MASK (0x0038) /**< ADC shunt voltage conversion times bit mask*/
* @brief ADC bus voltage conversion times
typedef enum ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc {
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_140US = 0x0000, /**< 140 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_204US = 0x0040, /**< 204 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_332US = 0x0080, /**< 332 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_588US = 0x00C0, /**< 588 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_1100US = 0x0100, /**< 1100 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_2116US = 0x0140, /**< 2116 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_4156US = 0x0180, /**< 4156 us */
INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_8244US = 0x01C0 /**< 8244 us */
} ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc_t;
#define INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_MASK (0x01C0) /**< ADC bus voltage conversion times bit mask*/
* @brief Number of samples to calculate average shunt/bus voltage value
typedef enum ina3221_num_samples {
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_1 = 0x0000, /**< 1 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_4 = 0x0200, /**< 4 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_16 = 0x0400, /**< 16 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_64 = 0x0600, /**< 64 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_128 = 0x0800, /**< 128 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_256 = 0x0A00, /**< 256 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_512 = 0x0C00, /**< 512 */
INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_1024 = 0x0E00 /**< 1024 */
} ina3221_num_samples_t;
#define INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_MASK (0x0E00) /**< Number of samples to calculate average shunt/bus voltage value bit mask */
* @brief Enable channel flags
typedef enum ina3221_enable_ch {
INA3221_ENABLE_CH1 = 0x4000, /**< Enable channel 1 */
INA3221_ENABLE_CH2 = 0x2000, /**< Enable channel 2 */
INA3221_ENABLE_CH3 = 0x1000 /**< Enable channel 3 */
} ina3221_enable_ch_t;
#define INA3221_ENABLE_CH_MASK (INA3221_ENABLE_CH1 \
| INA3221_ENABLE_CH2 \
| INA3221_ENABLE_CH3) /**< Enable channel bit mask */
* @brief Channel state enabled/disabled
typedef enum ina3221_channel_state {
INA3221_CH_DISABLE, /**< Channel disabled */
INA3221_CH_ENABLE /**< Channel enabled */
} ina3221_channel_state_t;
* @brief Enable shunt voltage sum calculation channel flags
typedef enum ina3221_enable_sum_ch {
INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH1 = 0x4000, /**< Enable sum channel 1 */
INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH2 = 0x2000, /**< Enable sum channel 2 */
INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH3 = 0x1000 /**< Enable sum channel 3 */
} ina3221_enable_sum_ch_t;
| INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH3) /**< Enable shunt voltage sum calculation channel bit mask */
* @brief Enable latch flags
typedef enum ina3221_enable_latch {
INA3221_ENABLE_WARN_LATCH = 0x0800, /**< Enable warning alert latch */
INA3221_ENABLE_CRIT_LATCH = 0x0400 /**< Enable critical alert latch */
} ina3221_enable_latch_t;
| INA3221_ENABLE_CRIT_LATCH) /**< Enable latch bit mask */
* @brief INA3221 device parameters
typedef struct {
i2c_t i2c; /**< I2C bus */
uint8_t addr; /**< I2C address */
union {
struct {
gpio_t pin_warn; /**< Warning alert pin, becomes configured as input*/
gpio_t pin_crit; /**< Critical alert pin, becomes configured as input*/
gpio_t pin_tc; /**< Timing control alert pin, becomes configured as input*/
gpio_t pin_pv; /**< Power valid alert pin, becomes configured as input*/
} pins; /**< Struct of alert pins */
struct {
gpio_t alert_pins[INA3221_NUM_ALERTS]; /**< Array to access alert pins via an index */
} apins; /**< Struct of array of alert pins */
} upins; /**< Union of alert pins as array and as single members */
For each pin 1 bit states whether to use internal pull up resistors.
d = don´t care
[d][d][d][d][pu PV][pu TC][pu CRT][pu WRN]
uint8_t gpio_config; /**< Configure pull up resistors for gpio pins */
uint16_t config; /**< Configuration */
uint16_t rshunt_mohm[INA3221_NUM_CH]; /**< Shunt resistances im mOhm for each channel */
} ina3221_params_t;
/* ( INA3221_ENABLE_CH_1
#define INA3221_DEFCONFIG (0x7127) /**< Default configuration register value */
#define INA3221_RESET (0x8000) /**< Reset configuration register value*/
#define INA3221_FLAG_CRIT_ALERT_CH1 (0x0200) /**< Critical alert channel 1 flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_CRIT_ALERT_CH2 (0x0100) /**< Critical alert channel 2 flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_CRIT_ALERT_CH3 (0x0080) /**< Critical alert channel 3 flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_SHUNT_SUM_ALERT (0x0040) /**< Alert channel sum flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_WARN_ALERT_CH1 (0x0020) /**< Warning alert channel 1 flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_WARN_ALERT_CH2 (0x0010) /**< Warning alert channel 2 flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_WARN_ALERT_CH3 (0x0008) /**< Warning alert channel 3 flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_POWER_VALID (0x0004) /**< Power valid flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_TIMING_CONTROL (0x0002) /**< Timing Control flag */
#define INA3221_FLAG_CONV_READY (0x0001) /**< Conversion ready flag */
| INA3221_FLAG_CONV_READY) /**< Flags bit mask*/
* @brief INA3221 device handle struct
typedef struct {
ina3221_params_t params; /**< Device parameters */
#if defined(MODULE_INA3221_ALERTS) || defined(DOXYGEN)
union {
struct {
ina3221_alert_cb_t warn_cb; /**< Warning alert callback: executed when WRN is pulled low */
ina3221_alert_cb_t crit_cb; /**< Critical alert callback: executed when CRT is pulled low */
ina3221_alert_cb_t tc_cb; /**< Timing control alert callback: executed when TC is pulled low */
ina3221_alert_cb_t pv_cb; /**< Power Valid alert callback: executed when PV is pulled low */
struct {
ina3221_alert_cb_t alert_callbacks[INA3221_NUM_ALERTS]; /**< Array to access alert callbacks via an index */
union {
struct {
void *arg_warn_cb; /**< Argument for Warning alert callback */
void *arg_crit_cb; /**< Argument for Critical alert callback */
void *arg_tc_cb; /**< Argument for Timing control alert callback */
void *arg_pv_cb; /**< Argument for Power Valid alert callback */
struct {
void *alert_callback_arguments[INA3221_NUM_ALERTS]; /**< Array to access alert callback arguments via an index */
#endif /* MODULE_INA3221_ALERTS */
} ina3221_t;
* @brief Reset device, i.e. apply default configuration
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return -INA3221_RESET_FAILED, if device could not be reset
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_reset(ina3221_t *dev);
* @brief Initialize device
* @param[out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] params Device parameters
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -EINVAL, if NULL pointer was passed
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return -INA3221_BAD_MANUF_ID, if manufacturer ID does not match
* @return -INA3221_DIE_ID, if DIE ID does not match
* @return -INA3221_RESET_FAILED, if reset failed
* @return -INA3221_CONFIG_FAILED, if configuration could not be applied
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_init(ina3221_t *dev, const ina3221_params_t *params);
#if defined(MODULE_INA3221_ALERTS) || defined(DOXYGEN)
* @brief Enable alert callback and argument for alert @p alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] alert Alert index
* @param[in] cb Alert callback
* @param[in] arg Alert callback argument
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -ERANGE, if @p alert was out of bounds
* @return -ENUTSUP, if alert pin was initialized with GPIO_UNDEF
int _ina3221_enable_alert(ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_alert_t alert,
ina3221_alert_cb_t cb, void *arg);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_enable_alert, to
2020-10-02 08:03:55 +02:00
* enable warning alert
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* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] cb Alert callback
* @param[in] arg Alert callback argument
* @return @see _ina3221_enable_alert
static inline int ina3221_enable_warning_alert(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_alert_cb_t cb, void *arg)
return _ina3221_enable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_WRN, cb, arg);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_enable_alert, to
* enable critical alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] cb Alert callback
* @param[in] arg Alert callback argument
* @return @see _ina3221_enable_alert
static inline int ina3221_enable_critical_alert(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_alert_cb_t cb,
void *arg)
return _ina3221_enable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_CRT, cb, arg);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_enable_alert, to
* enable timing control alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] cb Alert callback
* @param[in] arg Alert callback argument
* @return @see _ina3221_enable_alert
static inline int ina3221_enable_timing_control_alert(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_alert_cb_t cb,
void *arg)
return _ina3221_enable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_TC, cb, arg);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_enable_alert, to
* enable power valid alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] cb Alert callback
* @param[in] arg Alert callback argument
* @return @see _ina3221_enable_alert
static inline int ina3221_enable_power_valid_alert(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_alert_cb_t cb,
void *arg)
return _ina3221_enable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_PV, cb, arg);
* @brief Disable alert callback and argument for alert @p alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] alert Alert index
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -ERANGE, if @p alert was out of bounds
* @return -ENUTSUP, if alert pin was initialized with GPIO_UNDEF
int _ina3221_disable_alert(ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_alert_t alert);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_disable_alert, to
* disable warning alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @return @see _ina3221_disable_alert
static inline int ina3221_disable_warning_alert(ina3221_t *dev)
return _ina3221_disable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_WRN);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_disable_alert, to
* disable critical alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @return @see _ina3221_disable_alert
static inline int ina3221_disable_critical_alert(ina3221_t *dev)
return _ina3221_disable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_CRT);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_disable_alert, to
* disable timing control alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @return @see _ina3221_disable_alert
static inline int ina3221_disable_timing_control_alert(ina3221_t *dev)
return _ina3221_disable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_TC);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_disable_alert, to
* disable power valid alert
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @return @see _ina3221_disable_alert
static inline int ina3221_disable_power_valid_alert(ina3221_t *dev)
return _ina3221_disable_alert(dev, INA3221_ALERT_PV);
#endif /* MODULE_INA3221_ALERTS */
* @brief Write configuration register value to configuration register
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] cfg Configuration register value in host byte order
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int _ina3221_set_config(ina3221_t *dev, uint16_t cfg);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_set_config
* @param[in, out] dev Device handle
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* @param[in] chs Channel enable flags @see ina3221_enable_ch_t
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @param[in] ns Number of samples
* @param[in] ctbadc Conversion time for bus voltage ADC
* @param[in] ctsadc Conversion time for shunt voltage ADC
* @param[in] mode Device operation mode
* @return @see _ina3221_set_config
static inline int ina3221_set_config(ina3221_t *dev,
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
uint16_t chs,
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
ina3221_num_samples_t ns,
ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc_t ctbadc,
ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc_t ctsadc,
ina3221_mode_t mode)
return _ina3221_set_config(dev, chs | ns | ctbadc | ctsadc | mode);
* @brief Read currently saved configuration register value
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] cfg Pointer to configuration register output value in host byte order
* @return INA3221_OK
int _ina3221_get_config(const ina3221_t *dev, uint16_t *cfg);
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_get_config
* @param[in] dev Device handle
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* @param[out] chs Pointer to enabled channels variable @see ina3221_enable_ch_t
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @param[out] ns Pointer to number of samples variable
* @param[out] ctbadc Pointer to conversion time bus adc variable
* @param[out] ctsadc Pointer to conversion time shunt adc variable
* @param[out] mode Pointer to measurement mode variable
* @return @see _ina3221_get_config
static inline int ina3221_get_config(const ina3221_t *dev,
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
uint16_t *chs,
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
ina3221_num_samples_t *ns,
ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc_t *ctbadc,
ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc_t *ctsadc,
ina3221_mode_t *mode)
uint16_t cfg = 0;
int ret = _ina3221_get_config(dev, &cfg);
*chs = cfg & INA3221_ENABLE_CH_MASK;
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
*ns = (ina3221_num_samples_t)(cfg & INA3221_NUM_SAMPLES_MASK);
*ctbadc = (ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc_t)(cfg & INA3221_CONV_TIME_BADC_MASK);
*ctsadc = (ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc_t)(cfg & INA3221_CONV_TIME_SADC_MASK);
*mode = (ina3221_mode_t)(cfg & INA3221_MODE_MASK);
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
return ret;
* @brief Enable channels
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
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* @param[in] ech Channel enable flags @see ina3221_enable_ch_t
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* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
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int _ina3221_set_enable_channel(ina3221_t *dev, uint16_t ech);
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_set_enable_channel
* @param[in, out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch1 Channel 1 state
* @param[in] ch2 Channel 2 state
* @param[in] ch3 Channel 3 state
* @return @see _ina3221_set_enable_channel
static inline int ina3221_set_channel_state(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_channel_state_t ch1,
ina3221_channel_state_t ch2,
ina3221_channel_state_t ch3)
return _ina3221_set_enable_channel(dev,
(ch1 ? INA3221_ENABLE_CH1 : 0) |
(ch2 ? INA3221_ENABLE_CH2 : 0) |
(ch3 ? INA3221_ENABLE_CH3 : 0));
* @brief Read which channels are currently enabled
* @param[in] dev Device handle
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* @param[out] ech Pointer to enabled channels output variable @see ina3221_enable_ch_t
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* @return Number of enabled channels
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int _ina3221_get_enable_channel(const ina3221_t *dev, uint16_t *ech);
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @brief Wrapper around _ina3221_get_enable_channel
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] ch1 Pointer to channel 1 state variable
* @param[out] ch2 Pointer to channel 2 state variable
* @param[out] ch3 Pointer to channel 3 state variable
* @return @see _ina3221_get_enable_channel
static inline int ina3221_get_channel_state(const ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_channel_state_t *ch1,
ina3221_channel_state_t *ch2,
ina3221_channel_state_t *ch3)
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uint16_t ech = 0;
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int ret = _ina3221_get_enable_channel(dev, &ech);
*ch1 = (ech & INA3221_ENABLE_CH1) ? INA3221_CH_ENABLE : INA3221_CH_DISABLE;
*ch2 = (ech & INA3221_ENABLE_CH2) ? INA3221_CH_ENABLE : INA3221_CH_DISABLE;
*ch3 = (ech & INA3221_ENABLE_CH3) ? INA3221_CH_ENABLE : INA3221_CH_DISABLE;
return ret;
* @brief Update number of samples and write to configuration register
* @param[in, out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ns Number of samples
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_num_samples(ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_num_samples_t ns);
* @brief Read currently applied number of samples
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] ns Pointer to number of samples output variable
* @return INA3221_OK
int ina3221_get_num_samples(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_num_samples_t *ns);
* @brief Update conversion time of bus voltage ADC and write to configuration register
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ctb Bus voltage conversion time
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_conv_time_bus_adc(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc_t ctb);
* @brief Read currently applied bus voltage ADC conversion time
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] ctb Pointer to bus voltage ADC conversion time output variable
* @return INA3221_OK
int ina3221_get_conv_time_bus_adc(const ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_conv_time_bus_adc_t *ctb);
* @brief Update conversion time of shunt voltage ADC and write to configuration register
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] cts Shunt voltage conversion time value
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_conv_time_shunt_adc(ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc_t cts);
* @brief Read currently applied shunt voltage ADC conversion time
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] cts Pointer to shunt voltage ADC conversion time output variable
* @return INA3221_OK
int ina3221_get_conv_time_shunt_adc(const ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_conv_time_shunt_adc_t *cts);
* @brief Update device operation mode
* @param[in,out] dev Device handle
* @param[in] mode Operation mode value in host byte order
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_mode(ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_mode_t mode);
* @brief Read currently applied device operation mode
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] mode Pointer to device operation mode output variable
* @return INA3221_OK
int ina3221_get_mode(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_mode_t *mode);
* @brief Enable channels for shunt voltage sum calculation
* @param[in] dev Device handle
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
* @param[in] esch Enable channel shunt voltage sum flags in host byte order @see ina3221_enable_sum_ch_t
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int _ina3221_set_enable_sum_channel(const ina3221_t *dev,
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
uint16_t esch);
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @brief Wrapper around @see _ina3221_set_enable_sum_channel
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch1 Channel 1 state for sum voltage drop calculation
* @param[in] ch2 Channel 2 state for sum voltage drop calculation
* @param[in] ch3 Channel 3 state for sum voltage drop calculation
* @return @see _ina3221_set_enable_sum_channel
static inline int ina3221_set_enable_sum_channel(const ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_channel_state_t ch1,
ina3221_channel_state_t ch2,
ina3221_channel_state_t ch3)
return _ina3221_set_enable_sum_channel(dev,
(ch1 ? INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH1 : 0) |
(ch2 ? INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH2 : 0) |
(ch3 ? INA3221_ENABLE_SUM_CH3 : 0));
* @brief Read enabled channels for shunt voltage sum calculation
* @param[in] dev Device handle
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
* @param[out] esch Pointer to enabled channels for shunt voltage sum calculation output variable @see ina3221_enable_sum_ch_t
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @return Number of enabled channels for shunt voltage sum calculation, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int _ina3221_get_enable_sum_channel(const ina3221_t *dev,
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
uint16_t *esch);
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
* @brief Wrapper for @see _ina3221_get_enable_sum_channel
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] ch1 Pointer to channel 1 state variable for sum voltage drop calculation
* @param[out] ch2 Pointer to channel 2 state variable for sum voltage drop calculation
* @param[out] ch3 Pointer to channel 3 state variable for sum voltage drop calculation
* @return @see _ina3221_get_enable_sum_channel
static inline int ina3221_get_enable_sum_channel(const ina3221_t *dev,
ina3221_channel_state_t *ch1,
ina3221_channel_state_t *ch2,
ina3221_channel_state_t *ch3)
2021-02-01 12:13:32 +01:00
uint16_t esch = 0;
2019-11-05 12:29:42 +01:00
int ret = _ina3221_get_enable_sum_channel(dev, &esch);
*ch1 =
(esch &
*ch2 =
(esch &
*ch3 =
(esch &
return ret;
* @brief Enable latches for critical/warning alert pins
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] latch Enable latch flags
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_latch(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_enable_latch_t latch);
* @brief Read enabled latches for critical/warning alert pins
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] latch Pointer to latch flags output variable
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_get_latch(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_enable_latch_t *latch);
* @brief Set critical shunt voltage alert limit to @p in_uv for each channel in @p ch
* The function exits on the first channel that could not be updated.
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[in] in_uv Critical shunt voltage limit in uv
* @return Number of channels whose critical shunt voltage alert limit could be set, if any
* @return -ERANGE, if @p in_uv was not in [INA3221_MIN_SHUNT_UV; INA3221_MAX_SHUNT_UV]
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_crit_alert_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int32_t in_uv);
* @brief Read critical shunt voltage alert limit for each channel in @p ch
* The function exits on the first channel whose critical alert limit could not be read.
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[out] out_uv Output array of shunt voltage alert limits in uV
* @return Number of channels whose critical shunt voltage alert limits could be read, if any
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_get_crit_alert_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int32_t *out_uv);
* @brief Set warning shunt voltage alert limit to @p in_uv for each channel in @p ch
* The function exits on the first channel that could not be updated.
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[in] in_uv Warning shunt voltage limit in uV in host byte order
* @return Number of channels whose warning shunt voltage alert limit could be set, if any
* @return -ERANGE, if @p in_uv was not in [INA3221_MIN_SHUNT_UV; INA3221_MAX_SHUNT_UV]
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_warn_alert_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int32_t in_uv);
* @brief Read warning shunt voltage alert limit for each channel in @p ch
* The function exits on the first channel whose warning alert limit could not be read.
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[out] out_uv Output array of shunt voltage alert limits in uV
* @return Number of channels whose warning shunt voltage alert limits could be read, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_get_warn_alert_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int32_t *out_uv);
* @brief Set shunt voltage sum alert limit to @p in_uv
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] in_uv shunt voltage sum limit in uv
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -ERANGE, if @p in_uv was not in [INA3221_MIN_SHUNT_SUM_UV; INA3221_MAX_SHUNT_SUM_UV]
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_shunt_voltage_sum_alert_limit(const ina3221_t *dev,
int32_t in_uv);
* @brief Read shunt voltage sum alert limit
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] out_uv Pointer to sum voltage sum alert limit output variable
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_get_shunt_voltage_sum_alert_limit(const ina3221_t *dev,
int32_t *out_uv);
* @brief Set bus voltage power valid upper limit to @p in_mv
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] in_mv bus voltage power valid upper limit in mv
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -ERANGE, if @p in_mv was not in [INA3221_MIN_BUS_MV; INA3221_MAX_BUS_MV]
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_power_valid_upper_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, int32_t in_mv);
* @brief Read bus voltage power valid upper limit
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] out_mv Pointer to bus voltage power valid upper limit output variable
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_get_power_valid_upper_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, int32_t *out_mv);
* @brief Set bus voltage power valid lower limit to @p in_mv
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] in_mv bus voltage power valid lower limit in mV
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -ERANGE, if @p in_mv was not in [INA3221_MIN_BUS_MV; INA3221_MAX_BUS_MV]
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_write_regs
int ina3221_set_power_valid_lower_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, int32_t in_mv);
* @brief Read bus voltage power valid lower limit
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] out_mv Pointer to bus voltage power valid lower limit output variable
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_get_power_valid_lower_limit(const ina3221_t *dev, int32_t *out_mv);
* @brief Read status flags
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] flags Pointer to flags output variable
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_read_flags(const ina3221_t *dev, uint16_t *flags);
* @brief Read sum of shunt voltages
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[out] out_uv Pointer to shunt voltage sum output variable
* @param[out] flags Pointer to flags output variable, may be NULL
* @return INA3221_OK, on success
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_read_shunt_sum_uv(const ina3221_t *dev, int32_t *out_uv,
uint16_t *flags);
* @brief Read shunt voltages for each channel in @p ch
* The function exits on the first channel whose shunt voltage could not be read
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[out] out_uv Array of output shunt voltage values in uV
* @param[out] flags Pointer to flags output variable, may be NULL
* @return Number of channels whose shunt voltages could be read, if any
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_read_shunt_uv(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int32_t *out_uv, uint16_t *flags);
* @brief Read bus voltages for each channel in @p ch
* The function exits on the first channel whose bus voltage could not be read
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[out] out_mv Array of output bus voltage values in mV
* @param[out] flags Pointer to flags output variable, may be NULL
* @return Number of channels whose bus voltages could be read, if any
* @return -INA3221_I2C_ERROR, if I2C bus acquirement failed
* @return @see i2c_read_regs
int ina3221_read_bus_mv(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int16_t *out_mv, uint16_t *flags);
* @brief Calculate current for each channel in @p ch
* @param[in] dev Device handle
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[in] in_uv Array of input shunt voltage values
* @param[out] out_ma Array of output current values
* @return Number of clculated current values
int ina3221_calculate_current_ua(const ina3221_t *dev, ina3221_channel_t ch,
int32_t *in_uv, int32_t *out_ma);
* @brief Calculate power from bus voltage and current values
* @param[in] in_mv Array of input bus voltage values in mV
* @param[in] in_ua Array of input current values in uA
* @param[in] num Number of values in @p in_mv
* @param[out] out_mw Array of output power values in uW
* @return Number of calculated power values, on success
* @return -ERANGE, if @p num is greater than INA3221_NUM_CH
int ina3221_calculate_power_uw(int16_t *in_mv, int32_t *in_ua, uint8_t num,
int32_t *out_mw);
* @brief Align @p in_res to the number of channels
* For example: @p ch = (INA3221_CH1 | INA3221_CH3)
* @p in_res = {value_ch1, value_ch3}, then
* @p out_res will be {value_ch1, 0, value_ch3}
* @param[in] ch Channel flags
* @param[in] in_res Output of e.g. @see ina3221_calculate_current_ua
* @param[out] out_res Channel aligned result
* @param[in] res_val_size Size of a value in @p in_res in bytes
void ina3221_ch_align(ina3221_channel_t ch, const void *in_res, void *out_res,
size_t res_val_size);
* @brief Set operation mode to INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_SHUNT_ONLY to trigger shunt voltage measurement
* @param dev Device handle
#define INA3221_TRIGGER_SHUNT(dev) \
ina3221_set_mode(dev, INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_SHUNT_ONLY)
* @brief Set operation mode to INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_BUS_ONLY to trigger bus voltage measurement
* @param dev Device handle
#define INA3221_TRIGGER_BUS(dev) \
ina3221_set_mode(dev, INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_BUS_ONLY)
* @brief Set operation mode to INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_SHUNT_BUS to trigger shunt and bus voltage measurement
* @param dev Device handle
#define INA3221_TRIGGER_SHUNT_AND_BUS(dev) \
ina3221_set_mode(dev, INA3221_MODE_TRIGGER_SHUNT_BUS)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* INA3221_H */
/** @} */