@brief Support for the Radio Sensors Atmega256RFR2 rss2 board
### General information
Document version V1.4 2019-11-10<br>
Board is based AtMega256RFR2 with additional HW, EUI64 chip, HW comparator, RTC XTAL, BME280
- Directory `$(RIOTBASE)/boards/avr-rss2'
### Board Features
- PCB Antenna. Supercardiod
- Robust radio performance. Up to 300 meter line-of-sight
- Unique EUI64 address via 24MAC602 chip with 2k EEPROM
- Rev 2.4 Onboard BME280 for Temp/RH/Pressure
- Light Sensor
- 32kHz RTC clock xtal
- HW comparator chip and input
- Programmable power FET, (relay) for power on/off of sensors
- Up to 25V DC input via LDO (LP2950). TVS protected
- Standard. 6-pin TTL-USB header compatible w. FTDI cable for USART
- PCB formfactor for cheap project box G.40X IP54
- Power/current use:
*- RX ~10mA (Full RPC AtMegaXXRFR2)
*- Sleep ~45uA @ 16MHz XTAL
*- Sleep ~15uA @ 8MHz using internal oscillator
- Preprogammed Atmel standard stk500v2 bootloader
- CE certified by test institute
The board has one USART via the 6-pin TTL-USB adapter, The default
baudrate is 115200 bps. It's possible to use higher speeds as is 250k
and 500k baud which gives 0% Error with 16MHz clock.
(An additional USART is on the chip but as default used by interrupt
pins. Needs HW mod to be used)
### Toolchain
The Atmel toolchain is available in most operating systems.
For a full toolchain and easy installation on Ubuntu:
apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc avrdude
Otherwise if OS toolchain packages do not support the AtMega256RfR2
MCU, another option is to download the C compiler toolchain from Microchip.
### For Linux and MacOS
1. Download the proper 8-bit C compiler AVR toolchain, 32 or 64-bit, [from Microchip](https://www.microchip.com/mplab/avr-support/avr-and-arm-toolchains-c-compilers).
2. Unpack under `/usr/local`
3. Add to your search PATH. For example add to `.bashrc`: