It is recommended to test using iotlab-nodes. The default configuration is already
set on the application Makefile.
### Requirements
- The tests assumes that there is a gateway in all DR distance to the device and the
device was flashed with the correct keys.
- To use iotlab it is required to have a valid account for the FIT IoT-LAB
(registration there is open for everyone) and the [iot-lab/cli-tools]( need to be installed.
- iotlab uses TTN lorawan gateways, to run the test you will need to create an
[account]( add an [application]( and [register]( a device. For this
test you need to take note of the Device EUI, Application EUI & Application Key
for that device.
### Usage
1. flash device with appropriate keys and test
$ DEVEUI=<deviceeui> APPEUI=<applicationeui> APPKEY=<applicationkey> make -C examples/lorawan/ flash test